The Departure

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Song Yi went back to her house and she saw Hae Boo, Lee Shin and Prosecutor Yoo Seok.

Yoo Seok greeted Song Yi, "I heard that you're an alien now, I'm happy that you can now save Do Min Joon. Where's Jae Kyung?"

"He's already in the hospital, his car crashed into a tree. She looked at Lee Shin, "Hey Lee Shin how are you? Don't worry about your boss, he's fine." Song Yi smiled but Lee Shin's face was angried.

Yoo Seok said, "So you took care of Jae Kyung. So I will go now, I need to investigate how Jae Kyung escaped from prison."

Yoo Seok pushed Lee Shin in the car and Song Yi touched his shoulder. "I need to tell you something, prosecutor. I think Jae Kyung is changing now and I'm not sure about it."

"Don't worry I will know the truth and if you're wrong I'll never let Jae Kyung escape again in the prison."

"Thank you Yoo Seok."

"No problem. I heard your departure is tomorrow. Good luck Song Yi and take care of yourself."

Song Yi smiled, "I will and thank you." Yoo Seok started his car.

Hae Boo walked towards Song Yi. "Hey how are you? As I heard earlier Jae Kyung changed so I thought that there's no one who will stop you. You need to take a rest Song Yi, you need to prepare yourself for tomorrow."

Song Yi sighed, "Yeah I know. So let's rest now? I'm so excited for tomorrow."

"Yes please!"

Tomorrow came, all of Song Yi's friends and families were in her backyard. The spaceship is ready to go. Song Yi thought saying goodbye to her family and friends was the hardest thing to do. She didn't know if she can save Do Min Joon or if this is the last time she will see her family and friends.

Hae Boo needs to say goodbye to his friends even though he lives on Earth for a short time he found difficulty in saying goodbye to them.

"Yoon Jae you're a genius and a good buddy. I will never forget you." He hugged Yoon Jae.

Yoon Jae said, "Likewise Hae Boo. Please take good care of my nonna."

"Yes I will"

"Se Mi I'm sorry for all the things I do to you. You're a sweet girl, you're not deserve a guy like me."

"Don't apologize, you didn't do bad things to me. It's my fault to fall in love with you in the first place." She hugged Hae Boo.

Hae Boo started to cry, "Goodbye guys thank you for all the things you did to me. I hope I will come back here again, I will never ever forget you all." He ran to the spaceship and started to prepare for launch.

Lawyer Young-wok was the first person who hugged Song Yi. "I know you can save him I have faith on you." Song Yi nodded to Young-wok.

Se Mi touched Song Yi's shoulder, "You're a strong woman you're gonna make it. I'm gonna miss you Song Yi." She hugged Song Yi and whispered to her, "Please take good care of Hae Boo."

Song Yi smiled and whispered, "I will and take good care of Hwi Kyung too."

"I heard what you did to my brother. Even though I hated him, thank you so much for saving him." Hwi Kyung whispered to Song Yi's ear.

"I felt that he was Jae Kyung that I knew before, the kind and gentleman. Hwi Kyung, thank you for all the things you did to me. You're always there for me."

Hwi Kyung hugged tight, "Take care of yourself. Please say hi to Do Min Joon for me."

"I will."

Yoon Jae said, "It's my turn nonna. You're very stubborn but I know you can do all things you want to do. Please be good to the other planet."

"I've always been a good girl, you don't need to say that. Take care of our parents when I'm gone." She hugged her brother.

Song Yi's father touched her shoulder. "Do Min Joon will be safe so don't worry. I wish you both to be happy. Don't forget about us Song Yi even though you're not a human now, you'd always be my daughter."

Her mother interrupted and suddenly cried, "We'll always be waiting for you here so if there's a chance you can go back home, you should travel immediately. I'm going to miss you Song Yi."

"I will try to go back here even if it takes a year. I love you mom and dad and also Yoon Jae. Take care for yourself when I'm gone."

She hugged her family and started to walk to the spaceship. She waved her hands to them and the door was closed. She cried a lot and whispered, "Goodbye guys."

My Love From The Star/You Who Came From The Star Season 2 (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now