Do Min Joon's Disppearrance

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It's been six months since Do Min Joon left the earth. They thought he will stays one year and three months but he only stayed five months on Earth. Nobody knows what was the reason for his disappearance. Song Yi's family are in Song Yi's house. They visited her always because they knew that Song Yi was in pain since Do Min Joon left.

"Where the heck did Do Min Joon go? He lied to us that he will stay here one year and three months!"

Yoon Jae said while playing a game on his phone, "Mom just relax, Hyung will be back here. He loves nonna so much. Maybe there's a problem there, maybe the wormhole, maybe there's something wrong with it."

"Maybe, maybe, maybe! If he loves Song Yi he will keep his promise"

Song Yi heard the conversation of her mother and brother and she sat between them, "He will come back, I'm sure of it." She both hugged them.

"Whatever. Song Yi you need to eat, you must take care of your health."

Song Yi's father said, "Song Yi if Min Joon knows that you're not taking care of your health. When he comes back here, he will get angry at you."

"Ok dad, I'll try"

Do Min Joon was on his star but his breath was heavy and he couldn't even walk. There's someone taking care of him, the same species as him, his name is Hae Boo. Hae Boo also traveled the earth 100 years ago, he worked there as a doctor 150 years and when he came back home he was the one who treated and cured his own kind.

Hae Boo said, "Min Joon you're dying right now. You know this is the consequence when you use the wormhole. "

"I thought.... I can use it more than..... 30 years. My calculation is..... wrong"

" When I was on earth you saved my life even though you didn't know that we are the same species and now I can't save your life. I'm so sorry. Maybe there's something I can do for you?"

Min Joon said, "Please tell Cheon.... Song.. Yi that I'm soorry... I can't go... back there.. and please tell her that I... love.. her."

"Who? Cheon Cheon Chi, please say it clearly!"

"Cheon Song......Yi", Do Min Joon's eyes closed

Hae Boo cried, "I will do it Min Joon, I promise!" He touched Min Joon's heart and Hae Boo's eyes wide; he was so shocked, "What the! I'm so stupid! This is the reason why you're so weak, your heart beat! Whenever you use the wormhole your heart beat becomes slower. There's still a cure to it. In our species when someone is dying it takes one year to completely die. So I got one year to save you. I will go for now and when I come back you're going to be alive. I promise!"

Hae Boo was preparing his trip on earth and his spaceship. He called his dog named Snow and said, "Snow you're the one who will guard Do Min Joon so do your job when I'm gone. Keep your eyes on him"

"Arfff arrfff"

"Good. So I'm going to leave, goodbye for now Snow and Min Joon. Oh my! I forgot to ask Min Joon where I can find Song Yi. All I know is you stayed in Korea. Oh well I will start looking in Korea first. I can do this!"

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