Another Problem

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Hae Boo teleported on Song Yi's house. Song Yi and Yoon Jae surprised that Hae Boo used his power.

"Why did you use it? Did something bad happened between you and Se Mi?" Song Yi's asked to Hae Boo.

"No. But I used it because of Jae Kyung, he talked to me and I didn't know what to do."

Yoon Jae asked, "You met Jae Kyung? Why did you use your power? Did he see it?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure about it. I panicked. I'm really sorry."

"Maybe Jae Kyung knows now your identity. We need to be careful." Song Yi continued. "You should have called Se Mi to tell Yoo Seok that Jae Kyung was still here in Korea."

Hae Boo said, "Could we call directly to Yoo Seok? Or you should be the one to call for Se Mi."

"Mmmm.. Did something happen between you and Se Mi?" Yoon Jae asked for his curiosity.

"I don't know, I dumped her." Hae Boo whispered.

"What? You dumped Se Mi?" Song Yi was shocked by what Hae Boo answered.

"It's not totally, I dumped her. I told her I don't want her to be like you."

"What the. You don't want Se Mi to be beautiful like me. Are you insane?"

"No it's not like that. Se Mi is prettier than you no offense. I don't want her to turn her life into miserable. Your life was so hard since you fell in love with Do Min Joon, everytime he disappeared you felt so lonely. And I don't want Se Mi to turn into an alien because of me. Human life is so wonderful." Hae Boo explained.

"It's true my life was so difficult but he's the only one that I love that's why I'd give all I can to save him and to live with him."

"Okay. I think we should rest now we don't know when Jae Kyung will trouble us."

"Very well good night."


Song Yi called Yoo Seok and she told him about Jae Kyung.

"Don't worry Song Yi, we are still investigating how he escaped and someone's looking where he is hiding." Yoo Seok said.

"Good to hear. Thank you Yoo Seok." Song Yi hung the phone.

Hae Boo asked, "Who's that?"

"It was Yoo Seok, I told him about Jae Kyung. Did you see Yoon Jae?"

"Yeah, he told me he's going to buy something."

"Okay. Anyway I've been wondering if you like Se Mi."

Hae Boo sighed, "Well yes I like her but I can't love her."


"Like I said last night, I don't wanna be the reason for her pain or sadness."

"But what if you're the reason for her happiness?"

"I don't know how to answer that one. I have lived hundreds of years in this world, I didn't fall in love so I don't know if my destiny is to be with her so be it!"

"I hope destiny will decide to make you both happy." Song Yi smiled. Her phone rings, "Yes who is it?"

"It's me Jae Kyung. How are you?"

"Jae Kyung?! What do you want from me?" Song Yi shouted looking to Hae Boo.

"Another alien to your life? For real?" Jae Kyung continued, "Anyway Yoon Jae is here with me."

"Don't you ever hurt my brother! What do you want?"

"I want you to kill the alien in your house. If you finish it just call me." Jae Kyung laughed and hung up the phone.

"If he ever hurt my brother I swear I'm going to kill him. But how can I save him?"

Hae Boo said, "I heard it all, even if you kill me he will never stop hurting you. We must first think about how we will save Yoon Jae. So we got one alien and one human to save."

My Love From The Star/You Who Came From The Star Season 2 (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now