Change is the right thing

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Song Yi teleported in front of Jae Kyung's car. He's eyes wide open, he was so surprised by what he saw.

She smiled, "How are you? You're not happy to see me?"

"How did you survive? You must be dead?" He started the car and ran over to Song Yi but she used teleport. He said, "So that's the reason you're still alive. You're an alien now. You're pathetic!"

"So what? Do you have a problem with it?"

Jae Kyung pissed off he started the car again and ran, Song Yi followed him whenever he went.

"You must surrender now! I know deep inside of you still have a good heart. Just think about your family, your brother Hwi Kyung." she shouted.

"Shut up! You're funny Song Yi!" Jae Kyung was scared of Song Yi. He didn't expect that she was an alien now. He drove as fast as he could, the path that he took was too dark. Suddenly he crashed on some huge tree.

"Jae Kyung!" Song Yi shouted.

Jae Kyung's face was full of blood, his car crashed pretty bad. He slowly got out in his car but he fell in the ground, his vision was blurred. Then his visions changed; he saw his past life, when he and his brother were young. They were in the back of their house playing, they were laughing and happy. Young Jae Kyung fell down on the ground and asking help to Hwi Kyung but his younger brother said, "You're clumsy! I don't want to help you but remember this I still love you no matter what you are." Hwi Kyung smiled.

His older brother ran toward him and reached his hand to Jae Kyung. "Stand up! Be a man Jae Kyung, don't be scared if sometimes you fall. Everybody experiences that, you're not the only one who experiences it. Always remember all of the people in this world have a problem, whether they are poor or rich. So Jae Kyung you must deal with it in a good way."

He hugged Jae Kyung and suddenly their body transformed from young to their current body. Jae Kyung was surprised by what he saw, "Brother you're alive or am I dead?"

"No, you are still alive. You can't be dead you need to change your life Jae Kyung"

Jae Kyung shouted, "But I still want revenge on the people who pulled me down, who stopped me for being on top!"

"And then what? Are you satisfied that nobody cares for you? If you are the most wealthy man in the world and then you die. What will happen to your money and properties? You must think, do you know where we are? They called it heaven and you know what, you can't enter here because of what you are now. You need to change now or you will not go here if you die."

"I don't know what to do. Even if I change nobody ever will trust me and the court told me that I will spend my entire life in jail. How can I change if I'll spend my life living in jail?"

"It's not too late to change my brother. Don't think of what people will think to you. Is it not your sin or problem? Even if you are in jail there's a lot you can do, don't forget to pray for him and ask for your forgiveness. You can do it or you will never ever go here."

Jae Kyung cried, "I will try my best but please I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?"

"I hope you forgive me in all the things I do to you and please if the time comes and I step my foot here, I wish you are the first one to welcome me here."

"I've already forgiven you. I begged someone to save you from dying. Of course I will be the first one to welcome you here. Just be careful of what you do, It's time for me to go. Take care of yourself Jae Kyung."

"Thank you brother." Jae Kyung said.

When Jae Kyung opened his eyes he saw he was in Song Yi's arms.

"Are you okay Jae Kyung. Come on! Wake up!"

"Song Yi? Ouch!" He touched his forehead.

"Just hang on we will teleport in the hospital." She carry him and within a seconds they were in hospital

Song Yi shouted, "Hey someone is dying here can you please help him."

There were five nurses running towards them and they put Jae Kyung in a stretcher but he held the hand of Song Yi.

"Song Yi I'm sorry for all the things I do to you, I know it will be long to forgive all my sins to you. Thank you for saving me even though I've tried to kill you."

"Well, Yes it will be hard to forgive you at this time so you must be strong and not to die. But give me some time and I'm sure that I will forgive you." Song Yi smiled.

"Thank you, can I ask you something? Please tell my family my apologies, especially Hwi Kyung."

"Sure I will. Take care Jae Kyung."

Jae Kyung let go of Song Yi's hand and the nurses pushed the stretcher to the emergency room. 

My Love From The Star/You Who Came From The Star Season 2 (FanFiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ