The Western Air Temple

Start from the beginning

Lillian laid on her back as Katara healed her side, "what happened to you?" Katara asked slightly worried as Lillian's face filled with pain, "its a long story... I kinda followed my grandfather to the prison and that's where I ran into z- I mean trouble. My grandfather asked me to fight off the guards and I didn't think the eclipse would affect me as badly as it did." Lillian groaned as Katara bent the water away and into the water fall," that's the best I can do. " Katara sat back on her legs," I have another problem.... " Lillian mumbled sadly. Katara raised her brow and tilted her head," something I need to heal?" Katara asked. Lillian shook her head and then held out her hand exposing her palm. A small puff of smoke and a small orange flame popped," my fire bending... It's gone" Lillian whispered. Katara's eyes widen in surprise. Katara and Lillian looked at each other with concern, "how am I going to teach Aang if I can't bend my own element..." Katara stood and pulled Lillian up, "we'll figure something out..."

"figure what out?" The Duke asked as he picked his nose, "nevermind that! Let's go explore the temple!" Haru said. Lillian and Katara exchanged looks, "yeah, you guys go. We need to discuss further plans." Lillian said, "but first... I need to get someone. Just make sure everyone is ready for a shock." Lillian said to Katara as she walk out the temple.

Lillian walked through the forest towards Zuko's camp,

" hello... Zuko here!"

Lillian leaned against the tree as she watched Zuko talk to himself

"but I guess you already know me... You know... When I tried to capture you, yeah I guess I should apologise for that. But anyway I'm good now! And I can help Lillian teach you fire bending, and we're considered to be really good at it.. I mean you saw when we chased you" zuko sighed and fell to the floor,
"you know... Uncle would tell you to look with in yourself to find your other self." Lillian hummed as Zuko jumped up alarmed, "Lilly! Your back!" Zuko said happily, "in good time too, these poor trees have to listen to your impressions. You could cause them to fall into winter early." Lillian shrugged. Zuko stared at her blankly, "ha-ha, your hilarious." Zuko rolled his eyes, "come on, let's go." Lillian held out her hand for Zuko to take hold, "where we going?" Zuko asked with a raised brow taking Lillian's hand. Lillian began pulling Zuko towards the temple, "to meet your new firebending student." Lillian grinned.


Zuko stumbled behind Lillian as she led him to where the others were, "Lilly! Wait!" Zuko cried as they leapt over the gaps.
Lillian paused by a pillar and shoved Zuko behind it, "stay here and wait for my signal." Lillian ordered sternly only to receive countless nods from Zuko.

Lillian turned on her heels and stepped into the courtyard, "hey, whose out-" Toph was silenced with Lillian's hand, "I need to talk to all of you but this will mostly affect Aang" Lillian began. Aang sat up paying attention, "Start away sifu-hotman" Aang grinned. Lillian and Katara exchanged looks, "about that... We have a problem, we'll I do. But I also have the solution." Lillian stood in the middle of the gaang, "On the day of black son, after I destroyed all those battlements, I followed my grandfather to the Palace prison where he went to find a friend. When. The eclipse hit my strength was badly drained but I could for some odd reason still firebend but not to my full potential. I was weak and I was injured. I was surrounded by the Palace guards ready to hand me over to Ozai. " Lillian paused as she shivered at the thought. Aang's face saddend, " you got hurt and we just left you... "Aang said sadly," but then you had the strength to fly here? " Sokka stated beside Toph. Lillian shook her head," I couldn't transform. My strength was gone and so was my bending. No matter how hard I try, I can't bend a single flame. I can't teach you firebending." Lillian said looking down sadly. Sokka hit his head, "can't you just go to the cloud temple and train with the red lady?" Sokka asked nervously.

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