Chapter 29: please be reasonable

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Chapter 7

Bella’s POV

I looked at him, stunned. ‘Excuse me?’ I asked him. ‘Bite me, please’ he repeated. The look in his eyes was horrible. It hurt to look at it. Seeing your best friend in this state is the worst thing you’ll ever see. ‘Please’ he begged me once more. ‘I can’t take it anymore’ he said, almost in a whisper. ‘Jake, calm down. We’re going to relax, you’ll tell me what happened, and it’s all going to be fine’ I said. He looked at me. ‘No, it won’t be fine! How can you say that? How can you always say things like that, without knowing where it’s about?! I’m not going to tell it, just bite me! Then it’s all over’ he said. I knew I didn’t have to take that personal, he was flipping, but still, it hurts a bit. And then an idea hit me. I looked into his eyes. ‘Jake, you got to focus on me. Focus on my voice’ I said, as calm as I could get my voice. ‘Look at me, straight in to my eyes’ I said. He looked at my eyes. ‘I’m going to count back from 100, and you’ll be fine. 100, 99, 98’ I said, my voice getting sort of dreamy. ‘You’re not getting in a deep trance, no of course not! 97, 96, 95’ I said. I waved my hand in front of his eyes. No reaction. ‘Sleep’ I said. He felt forwards, with his head landing on my shoulder.

I dragged him over to the camp, next to the fireplace, and got him in sitting position. ‘Jake, are you upset about something?’ I asked, knowing I would’ve to take it easy with him. ‘Yes’ he answered. ‘You’re in a deep trance, you’re fine. Why? Is it about a person?’ I asked him. ‘Yes’ he said again. ‘It’s about Jade’ I was surprised by this answer. ‘Why? What has she done to you?’ I asked him. I could see that this was a tough point, even though I hypnotized him. ‘I’m imprinted on her. I told her. I kissed her. She pulled away, yelled at me that she hated me. I feel so screwed, Bells’ he said, before breaking down, letting his head fall on my shoulder and began to sob a bit. I knew he just broke through the hypnoses, and it was fine by me. He would immediately know I’d hypnotized him, but that didn’t matter to me. I got my arms around him, and he started sobbing even more. I felt so sorry for him! I couldn’t believe that Jade was able to do something like this. To hurt someone like this. Maybe there’s a reason for it, a voice inside my head told me. Or maybe she just doesn’t like Jacob, another one said. from the inside, I shrugged. What does it matter? All I know is that Jacob feels miserable, and I have to be there for him in hard times. I was even too focused on him to mention the rest returning.

Jasper’s POV

We’d been wrestling and doing other stuff the whole time, so we were all in some kind of euphoric mood. Yeah, I think I should call it euphoric. As we walked back to the camp, we were still being all macho and stuff. ‘Remember, I won’ Jared said. ‘That’s SOO not true!’ Quill said. ‘Dude, I’m the big boss here’ Paul said. ‘I’m the oldest’ Edward said. ‘Nope, I am’ I said. The looks on their faces were so funny! But, they changed in an instant when they saw my face. I felt someone feeling so miserable, he would be able to commit suicide. Heartbroken wasn’t the right word. I’d prefer life broken. The one who these feelings belonged too felt so horrible, he would do everything to just step out of it, life. ‘What’s wrong Jazz?’ Edward asked. I looked at him. ‘Just someone feeling miserable, ready to commit suicide’ I said. ‘So?’ Jared said. Quill, Paul and Edward joined in the conversation. ‘So? So?’ I said, trying to get them silent. ‘I’m sure it comes from our camp’ I said. With that, the last rumors disappeared.

Sam’s POV

We were just done with a treaty, when I felt that something was wrong. ‘What is it?’ Carlisle asked. ‘I don’t know, but we have to go back, NOW’ I said, worry covering my face. Carlisle saw it wasn’t time for chitchats, jumped up and followed me outside. We’d been talking in some kind of building, that we left behind as fast as possible. Since we were really close, I couldn’t really see the point of shifting. When we reached the camp, I saw the others entering as well. I could see on the face of the curly one, I still couldn’t remember his name, that something was wrong, very badly. I saw it on the bronze headed guy’s face as well, Edward he was called I suppose. And then I saw why. Next to Bella, folded and curled on the ground, was Jacob, sobbing. ‘What in the world….’ I said, before attempting to walk over to them. Someone stopped me. I looked back to see Carlisle. He shook his head. He sat down on the ground, and I saw others do the same, so I did it as well. As we all sat there, we looked at Jacob and Bella. After a few minutes, I saw that Bella had mentioned our arrivals. ‘Jacob, you’re going to your tent and you’re going to try to sleep a bit’ she said as if she was talking to a 4 year old. Jacob nodded and walked to his tent, looking more dead then alive. When he was in, the questions broke out. Carlisle and I got everyone silent, as we came closer to the fireplace and Bella. ‘Can you PLEASE tell me were that was about now?’ I asked her.

Edward’s POV

‘Of course I can’ Bella said. She looked at them, at every single one of them. She sat there as if she was used to authority. Wait, of course she was, she’s a teacher. ‘Go on then…’ Sam said. ‘I assume that you already have seen in what kind of state Jacob is’ Bella said. That was the moment that I thought would be the right one to read Jacob’s minds. Images of Jade started filling my head. Him seeing her for the first time, feeling that the world didn’t turn around the sun anymore, but around her. And of their first kiss. How Jade’d pull back, how Jade’d yelled at him that she hated him. ‘Wow’ I whispered. Everyone looked at me, pulling up their eyebrow. ‘Sorry, just read his minds…’ I said. I saw some of them, Rosalie and Leah of course, rolling their eyes before paying attention to Bella again. ‘If even Eddy’s shocked about this, then why don’t you tell us what happened to our little mutt?’ Rosalie asked in her most bitchy tone. If glares could kill, Rosalie would’ve just been killed by Bella. Well, actually, Rose was already dead, but…. Let’s not have that discussion again. As Bella talked, my thoughts went off. Why had this to happen? Was Victoria behind this? Was Jade sent by her? But how could she know about Jacob and imprinting then? All kind of thoughts filled my head. And I knew they didn’t make sense. After Bella was done, I stood up. ‘I’m going to hunt’ I said, before running of, trying to forget everything for as long as possible.

HELLO GUYS! Aren’t you proud of me? I UPLOADED!!!!! xD. Well, another thing, I’VE WON THE WRITER GAMES! Thank you so much guys! And another thing, I’ve passed the 20,000 reads! As you might’ve seen, or might’ve not seen, I said I would’ve been throwing up a little something. And that little something is a competition. Pm me an idea or suggestion about how the story should continue. I’ll read them all, don’t worry! The best ones will really be used in my story. Of course, you’ll get a dedication! Furthermore, one of the “contestants” will win something else. He or she will be able to create a character, and I’ll use that in one of my chapters. It can be yourself, or someone else. You’ll get a dedication as well. I’m not saying it will be a mayor person, but something for approximately 1 or 2 chapters. So, Pm me!

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