85: Unequal

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Description: where Zayn and Niall are brothers. Niall being the youngest, gets treated more fairly.

ALL YOU OLDER SIBLINGS (including me) be like "PREEEEEEACH."


Niall came rushing down the stairs, tears in his eyes. "PAPA! PAPA!"

Immediately hearing his son, Harry drops his spatula on the kitchen counter, running to where his youngest son was. Harry picks the six year old up in his arms. "What's wrong, love?"

Zayn looked up from his phone, "how come you never rushed like that when I was younger?"

Harry looked at the older boy, "excuse me young man but shouldn't you be doing your homework? It was a conversation between your brother and I, i don't recall adding a Zayn to it."

Niall sniffed, "someone was being mean to me at school today."

"Who?" Harry asked, snuggling his son to make him feel better. "I'll find them and they won't be coming back to school ever again."

"How come when I was six you only told me to ignore them?" Zayn asked, gaping at his father.

"Zayn, please, this is a private conversation."

Louis came in, "I hear my husband scolding my son and I'm not liking it one bit. What did you do, Zayn?"

Harry sighed and put Niall over his shoulder, the younger boy smiling innocently at his older brother who was getting scolded. Zayn narrowed his eyes at him, "you little--"

Louis snapped his fingers in front of Zayn's face, "excuse me? Are you even listening?!"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Did you make your brother upset?"


"Are you giving me attitude? Young man, you are so grounded. Phone will be taken away, give me it right now please," Louis demanded.


"Grounded an extra week for raising your voice," Louis said snatching the phone from his son. The device dinged, "who's Perrie?"

"She's a friend.."

Louis eased an eyebrow, "you know dang well you can't have a girlfriend. Instead of kissing someone, learn how to make food. Make the dinner I made for your papa when we were younger!"


Zayn rushed to Harry, "papa, I got a paper cut."

"Put a bandaid on it, you'll be fine."

Niall came running in, and almost slipped but caught on Zayn's pant legs, holding tightly for dear life. Harry turns just in time and gasped as he saw the little one wince.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I got something on my finger and it hurts," Niall pouted up at his papa. Harry's eyes widen and he picks his son up, carrying him bridal style.

He runs to the door yelling, "OH MY GOD WE GET TO GET MY BABY TO THE HOSPITAL! STAY STRONG SWEETIE! STAY STRONG FOR ME PLEASE!" Poor Niall was horrified, as he bounced with every step his papa took.

"You got to be fu--" before Zayn could finish his sentence, a sandal came flying in his direction, hitting him square in the face.

"DONT SWEAR!" Came in Louis' yell. Which was odd, considering that he was the one who always swore.


A little angry Niall stomped into the kitchen, "I'm running away."

Zayn munched on his chips, "cool."

Niall huffed and took a juice box from the fridge, stomping away. "I'm running away from the kitchen to my room."

Louis came running in, "MY BABY BOY IS NOT RUNNING AWAY!" He picked Niall up, "you're too precious, sweetheart."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "if it were me, you'd probably let me run away."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asked, looking at his oldest son. "We can't loose Niall, he's too small. He can get easily hurt. And if he gets hurt, boy, will Harry kill me."

"But daddy," Niall spoke up. "I wasn't actually going to run away. Only from the kitchen to my room."

Louis' attention turned to his youngest son. "You almost gave me a heart attack, babe. Don't ever do that again, yeah?"

Zayn got a flashback to when he was younger, yelling that he was going to run away.


Seven year old Zayn came in with an angry pout, "IM RUNNING AWAY!"

"Cool," responded Harry. He knew his son wouldn't actually run away, he didn't pay much attention to it.

"TO THE BATHROOM!" Zayn exclaimed, putting his pillow, blankets and stuffed animals in the tub. "IM LIVING HERE, AND NOT COMING BACK!"

[flashback over.]

Louis glared at his son, "who do you think would be greatly impacted if you lived in the bathroom, Zayn? You're seventeen years old, c'mon now."

Niall saw the annoyed look on his older brothers face and told his daddy to put him down. Louis nodded and did so, then going back to the living room where he previously was picking Niall's toys up.

The six year old gave his brother his juice box, "juice box will make Zaynie feel better," he said, giving Zayn a happy smile.

Zayn took the juice box and took only one sip. He put it on the counter, his brother happily skipping away.


"But I have to do my essay!" Zayn replied.


Zayn angrily sighed and got up. Niall was sat on the couch, his homework paper in front of him with his box full of crayons. The blue eyed boy noticed Zayn's sad face and frowned himself.

Niall crawled over his homework, and placed himself in Zayn's lap, giving his brother a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ni Ni don't like Zaynie sad."

"With you around," Zayn sighed hugging his brother back. "Things aren't fair at all, but I wouldn't trade you for the world."



Also, it's 3 a.m on a school night so sorry for any mistakes 💜💜

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