36: Gang AU

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Niall sat down on the bench with an ice cream sandwich in his hands. He rolled his eyes when he saw a couple making out like there was no tomorrow. The blue eyed boy decided to finish his ice cream sandwich quickly mainly because he didn't want Zayn to worry about him being gone too long. Or, in other words, taken by his rival gang.

Zayn is part of a gang, he's told Niall about it. At first, the Irish boy had an uncomfortable feeling about it, but he loved Zayn. He truly loved him, and thought that if he did, he'd have to support him in whatever. Even if it was awkward for him.

Because of Zayn being in a gang, and his rival gang finding out he had a boyfriend that he's so whipped for, the Emeralds started to threaten Zayn to take Niall away or else he'd face consequences. Zayn knew this would eventually happen, so he made sure Niall knew how to defend himself.

With a lot of training, Niall now how to properly hold a gun and use it to aim. He's good, Zayn tells him, but he always practices to get even better. If he ever runs out of bullets, he got a choice between a sharp pocket knife or the punching skills.

Zayn didn't exactly want to be in a gang. He knew that if he ever told his boyfriend, the other will be really supportive and understanding or it could turn out to be into chaos and the boyfriend would call the cops. Zayn didn't want to have this dangerous life he has now, but it was the family he was born in. And in that family he was born in, was a gang. A gang where he has been apart of ever since he turned sixteen.

Niall finished his ice cream sandwich and got up, throwing it away in the public trash can. He hummed a tune as he walked, obviously knowing that some scary event was going to happen. He wasn't stupid; he knew that almost wherever he would go, the rival gang will follow him there and try to make a kidnapping.

A car pulled up next to him and he quickly took out the pocket knife from the inside of his jacket. He clenched it tightly in his hands as he put a bored look on his face. Niall then got an idea and smirked to himself as he walked behind the car and poked both of the tires with the knife. After doing so, he quickly made a run for it.

Niall ran as fast as his legs would carry him just so he wouldn't get caught. Defended or not, he was always scared of getting kidnapped and taken to do know god knows what. He and Zayn have been dating for a few years now, and he knew that Zayn would go absolutely insane if he finds out that the Emeralds have taken his baby.

He hid behind a wall corner and took his phone out as his breathing tried to even itself. Niall dialed Zayn's number, the other boy quickly picking up. "Are you okay, Niall?"

"Yes, Z, I'm fine," Niall said still panting a little. "But I think you might want to send some guards or something for me because I'm not alone."

"What are you talking about?" Zayn asked. "Who's there with you?"

Niall sighed. "They're not exactly with me. Whoever it was parked an old ugly car in front of me. I knew it was he other gang so I took action and poked the car tires in the back so they wouldn't be able to chase me."

"Hold on tight, alright?" Zayn said. "Please turn your location on just in case they manage to get their hands on you. I'll be there with Louis."

"Alright," Niall said. "Thank you, Zayn."

"Of course, babe. I love you," Zayn told his boyfriend.

Niall smiled. "I love you too."

After hanging up, Niall turned his location on like he was told to. He was just about to leave his spot from behind the wall corner when a hand covered his mouth and held Niall tightly by the hands.

"Don't scream, and we'll get this over the easy way," the voice said.

At his apartment that hardly anyone knew about except for Niall, Zayn was eating some lucky charms as he heard an alarm. He checked his phone and saw that his boyfriend was being kidnapped.

Immediately, Zayn dropped the bowl of cereal on the ground, not really caring if it made a mess and took his phone with keys, making sure to bring his hand gun for self defense. He dialed the rest of the gang as he made his way to his car.

If they put their hands on Niall, they're in for some deep shit.


This took me almost the whole day to write #trueprocrastinator

And for the first time, I actually did my homework before finishing writing this.

AND MY PERIOD IS OVER THANK THE GODS ABOVE FOR STOPPING MY SUFFERING. I also ate two bags of chips, some pop tarts, & a Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate bar. ALL IN ONE DAY

do I regret it? Hell nah.

*drops mic & zayns*

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