43: Little Fights

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Description: where Zayn and Niall are married, have children, who fight a lot. And this time, its over a chocolate bar.


Because of school, Harry would always come home stressed out and tired. His back would be killing him because it's filled with so many textbooks. He's just overall tired and hates it. So, when he gets home, he loves to give himself a treat for dealing with jerks for six hours.

Harry was walking, his back aching because of the books. It didn't help to carry some in his arms, they were now hurting too. Hoping for less pain, Harry walked faster. His legs were hurting but he decided to keep going. The chocolate bar would be there, in the fridge, untouched. It was all going to be okay.

When he got to the doorstep, he took his keys out and unlocked the door. He stepped inside, throwing his books on the couch and taking his backpack off. He toed his shoes off and yelled out, "I'M HOME!"

He got no response and the realized that his parents where probably out, but when he heard shouting from upstairs, he knew Louis wasn't. He ignored Louis' screaming and made his way to the kitchen, skipping his way to the fridge with a big smile on his face, waiting to devour the chocolate.

Only it wasn't there.

Harry gripped the fridge door handle tightly as he stood there in anger. Last night, he literally left the chocolate bar with a note that had 'PROPERTY OF HARRY! DO NOT TOUCH!' written all over it. Who would be so mean to take this chocolate?

"WHO TOOK MY CHOCOLATE?!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs, slamming the fridge door closed. "LOUIS! LIAM! ASHTON! ALL OF YOU, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Immediately his brothers came to the kitchen, panting. Louis walked over to his brother, "what's wrong?"

"Someone took my chocolate!" Harry screamed. "I've been looking forward to it all day and it's gone! One of you idiots ate it and I'm going to find out who it is, then send your ass in jail for stealing MY chocolate!"

Liam raised an eyebrow. "All this whining for a chocolate bar?"


The front door then opened which caused Harry to calm himself down a little, knowing that his parents are going to question why he's so upset. Niall came in and out his keys on the counter.

"Papa!" Harry said, walking towards Niall. Niall turned to face his son and embraced him in his arms, giving Harry a kiss on the head.

"What's up, Harry?"

"They ate my chocolate!" Harry said pointing to his brothers. "And I was really looking forward to it."

Ashton shook his head. "Don't look at me, I didn't eat his chocolate."

"I didn't either."

"I don't even like chocolate," Liam said. Harry, Ashton, Louis, Niall all looked at him with wide eyes, shocked. Zayn then came in and saw them all facing Liam with their eyes widen and he did too, although he had no idea why.

"You don't like chocolate?!" Harry exclaimed. "You're not my brother! Nope, this is not real! Someone wake me up from this dream! I don't want to be in this anymore! Wake me up, papa! I'll go to school, anything so I'm out of here!"

"YOU DONT LIKE CHOCOLATE?!" Ashton screeched.

Louis pretended to faint, Ashton catching him in his arms. Liam looked at his brothers like they were idiots, "I didn't eat Harrys' chocolate."

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