21: Roommates

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Description: it's simple. Zayn and Niall are roommates who hate and occasionally prank each other here and there.


Niall groaned as he heard an alarm clock ringing non-stop for the past 15 minutes. He got up from his bed, socks on heading straight to Zayn's bed with his pillow in his hand.

"ZAYN!" The blond yelled as he smacked the dark haired boy with the pillow repeatedly. "YOUR FUCKING ALARM HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR 15 MINUTES, SHUT IT OFF!"

Zayn huffed as he un-covered his face with his covers. He yelped when the pillow came in contact with his face and held his arms in front of it. "STOP IT WITH YOUR PILLOW!"

Niall stopped hitting Zayn and smiled innocently saying, "shut your alarm off or I'm throwing your phone out the fucking window, dipshit."

The dark haired boy looked at Niall,"don't you dare think about going near my phone, or else."

"SO SHUT IT OFF ALREADY!" Niall yelled from the bathroom. Zayn rolled his eyes at his roommates' yelling, mocking him as if he was controlling a puppet. Zayn looked for his phone under the mess of his covers and sighed when he found it under his pillow.

He checked the time and his eyes almost bulged out of his head, "SHIT!" he yelled, getting up. His body was tangled up with the sheets of his bed which caused him to fall. "HURRY UP, IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!"


Zayn got up from the floor and fixed the covers. He got dressed, not really caring about what to wear which was totally unlike him. He wasn't in the mood to dress up so he wore some sweatpants, a hoodie, and his Adidas slippers with a new pair of socks on.

He knocked on the door, "HURRY UP, I HAVE TO BRUSH MY TEETH!"



Niall opened the door and gave Zayn a scowl as he fixed his hair a little more. He smacked Zayn on the back of the head causing the other boy to smack him back, "don't touch me!"

"Shut up and finish getting ready." Niall said, as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He took his phone off his charger and checked the time, "because you have two minutes."

Zayn rushed to brush his teeth as he heard Niall laugh before hearing the dorm room close. After he finished brushing his teeth, he glared at Niall's bed, un-amused. Then, he remembered he had a class to get to and grabbed his backpack, exiting out the dorm room as well.

The thing that Zayn hated most was that he had three classes with Niall. He hated the fact that he was at a boarding school and hated it even more because the blond Irish boy was his roommate as well as classmate in three classes.

Of course, Zayn has his best friend, Liam. But he only has one class with the brown haired boy which makes Zayn hate everything even more. He doesn't like the idea of going to a boarding school, an annoying blond being his roommate, and not having all his classes with his best friend.

Zayn got to science class and took his seat, rolling his eyes when he sees Niall laughing away with his own best friend, Harry. Zayn was pretty sure that Harry skipped a grade because that curly haired boy aced every single test that the teacher would give out, but didn't exactly care because Harry was Niall's friend and he didn't really care about Niall.

Liam then came in a few minutes later, seeing his best friend work on a project. "I'm here, your life is now better."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "if it were, I'd be out of this hell hole."

Liam sighed taking his seat. He looked at Zayn, "do you really hate him that much?"

"Yes. This morning before I came to class, I wouldn't shut my alarm off. Apparently, he had enough of the stupid thing ringing and had a pillow with him. He used it to smack me on the face so I can shut the damn alarm off," Zayn said as he stared at Niall.

"So then get him back," Liam said, shrugging. He then smiled, "but to be honest, I'd do the exact same thing as him."

"How do I get him back?" Zayn asked

"You're going to switch his shampoo. Its classic and original, but it'll get him in trouble. Because the school doesn't allow you to dye your hair an un-natural color, put purple in the bottle. He'll get yelled at by the teacher in front of everyone," Liam said.

Zayn smirked, "my best friend comes up with the bests revenge plans ever."

"You're welcome."


"ZAYN FUCKING MALIK, YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Zayn heard Niall scream from the bathroom.

The dark haired boy smirked as he continued to do his homework. The door from the bathroom opened revealing a soaking wet Niall in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and lilac colored hair.

You see, Zayn went to the store to look for some hair dye, but there wasn't anymore purple so he took lilac instead. Lilac was close to purple, so he figured why not.

"I did nothing," Zayn said.

"I'm going to get in trouble!" Niall exclaimed, "hell, even expelled!"

Zayn smirked and looked up from his homework, "that's what happens when you smack me with a pillow."

Niall growled in anger, face red with anger as he stomped back into the bathroom. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!"



"NIALL FAKE BLOND IRISH HORAN!" Zayn screamed when he saw his reflection in the mirror. His teeth where colored blue, Zayn knowing that Niall was up to this.


Zayn walked out of the bathroom and showed Niall his teeth, "you did this, didn't you?"

Niall let out a giggle and then shook his head, "me? Please, I've been texting Harry all day. I don't have time to do shit to your toothbrush or whatever the hell that paint thing was in."

Zayn glared at Niall, before changing. He put on a black tee shirt with sweatpants, and socks. He brushed his hair and let it air dry as he texted Liam on his phone, sitting up on his bed.

Niall smirked as he drank his coffee when he saw Zayn about to lay down. When the dark haired boy did, a huge honk was heard causing Zayn to scream and fall out of his bed.

"You did this, I know you did."

"Two can play that game, Malik."

"Prank wars has officially started."

Niall shrugged, not really caring. He had a whole idea of pranks and knew he'd win. "Whatever."

"You also put the food coloring, didn't you?"

"Damn right I did."

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