69: Phobia ⚠️

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I'm so evil 😂😭

Description: they have the same phobia, falling in love or any emotional attachment. Also known as Philophobia.

WARNING: can be triggering for those who have this. Please do NOT make fun of this kind of phobia or make any rude comments, this is not a place for that. Understand that some people are very serious about this sort of thing.

There is a warning sign on the title, it means something. You can gladly skip or not read this if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you to.


They were both new kids when they met in the hallway, on their way to class. They were both shy and quiet, they were both intelligent, they both had the same fear.

Philophobia. Something that haunts Zayn every time when thinking or even talking about any sort of emotional attachment, such as love. He knew he loved his family, he just didn't know how to say it. He knew he loved a friend, he was just too scared of rejection and possibly humiliation. Whatever it was, whatever had to do with love, Zayn would back away in the shadows and hide.

Niall is scared to give his heart away to be in a relationship. He fears that he'll be so hopelessly in love with the person, to only get his heart broken afterwards. It would be all too much to handle, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He's scared that he's going to get too attached. Scared of losing the person from an accident. It was all too much for him.

Their friendship started to bloom when they became partners for a English assignment. It wasn't for a grade exactly, just some partner work to get things done and to be able to communicate and work well with others.

As mentioned before, they are both quiet and shy. So it took awhile for the boys to say a word to the other, but they did it. They liked one another enough to become friends, but they still had their walls built up to guard them.

But like every war fought, there were some walls that have been broken down. The more they spent time together, seeing the other when no one else did.

They grew together throughout middle school and high school. This is what got them closer than they would've thought they'd become, during summer vacation before their first day as freshmen in high school started.

The Malik and Horan family got introduced to one another by both Zayn and Niall, everyone getting along. Everyone was kind to the other. Whenever Trisha and Maura would see their sons playing video games or playing soccer outside, they think about what it'd be like if the two where in a relationship. Though they knew about their fear, so neither said anything to them.

When both families where at the beach to spend the day at, Niall was teaching Zayn how to swim. Zayn never learned how to so Niall made it his duty to help his friend out.

"You can do it, Zayn!" Niall said. "Don't think about anything else, and focus on what you're doing at the moment."

Zayn was literally doggy paddling, with pool floaties things on his arms. He took the drowning in the water thing very seriously. He didn't want to die. His nose met with the water causing him to jump up quickly and burst into a coughing fit.

Niall rolled his eyes, "don't be dramatic. It barely touched your nose!"

"It did!" Zayn replied, looking at the water he was in with a glare, as he had his hand over his nose protecting it from the water. "You wouldn't know, you're all the way over there."

The Irish boy sighed, "fine. Let's give you a break for now and eat something. I'm starving and you must be too."

Zayn smiled and clapped his hands happily, walking out of the water. "Yay! I thought this day would never come!" He sang.

Niall laughed and helped Zayn out of the water, taking off the floaties on his friends' arms. For a brief second they stared into each other's eyes. It was a brief second but it felt longer to Zayn.

How did he not notice the beauty in his best friends' eye? A look of innocence that made Zayn just want to hug and cuddle the Irish boy.

Niall loved Zayn's eyes. They were a pretty shade of light brown. Niall felt himself blushing when he saw that Zayn was in the same state too. The two stopped staring at each other and looked away in awe.

"So... what do you want to eat?" Niall asked Zayn as they made their way where their families were.

Trisha saw the moment that happened between the two and smiled a little as she was on her phone. "Zayn, dear? Can you come here for a second?"

Zayn walked over to his mom, sitting down next to her and looking at Niall as if he were saying he'd be right back. He looked at Trisha, "what's wrong?"

Trisha tapped the screen, "this stupid phone won't work."

"That's it?" Zayn asked, laughing a little. Trisha glared at her son who started laughing as he helped his mother with fixing her phone. When he was done, Zayn got up and went to go back to Niall but Trisha stopped him, looking at him seriously.

"Yes?" Zayn asked, eyebrow raised.

"Don't let your fear stop you from loving someone or wanting to be with them," Trisha told her son softly.

Zayn looked down and blushed, then looking back to where Niall was with his family eating a sandwich. Maybe his mom was right, but he knew it'd take him time. And maybe Niall was going to be the right person to fall in love with.



anyways enough of my ranting that's for a different book, goodbye 👋🏼

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