82: Periods...

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Description: parents Zayn and Niall experience their daughter have her first period.


A scream from Angel's room was all it took for the couple to come into her room, Zayn with a pillow and Niall with a rolling pin. They started to swing both the things around the room as Angel stared at her parents.

"WE'RE HERE! RUN ANGEL!" Zayn screamed, waving the pillow around the room. His eyes were closed so he couldn't see.

Niall, however, had his eyes opened and blushed a dark red when he saw that his daughter was perfectly okay. He then put his hands on Zayn's shoulders, who still had his eyes closed waving the pillow around.



"DAD!" Angel screamed, this time now Zayn opening his eyes.

"Yes, sweetheart? What's wrong?" He asked, pretending that he wasn't even waving a pillow around. He then noticed it was in his hands, throwing it behind him and almost smacking Louis in the face.

"What's going on?" The older brother asked curiously.

Angel pointed at her bed, "there's red on the sheets."

Zayn gasped as he looked at his daughter with wide eyes. "We don't have enough money to bail you out of jail, Angel."

Louis' eyes widen and he steps out of the room, "and I'm out."

"GET YOUR PERFECT BUTT IN HERE!" Angel screamed, running behind her brother. Zayn jumped, not expecting that. Usually the girl was nice, kind and calm. Now, she's screaming and angry.

Niall sighed. "I think I know what's up..."

Zayn looked at his husband. "Do tell me, love. I'm scared our sweet little girl killed someone and we're next."

The Irish walked to his husband and whispered, "she got her period."

At this, Zayn shrieked and shook his head, pacing around the room. "This is bad. Really really really bad."

"How so?" Niall asked. "We just get her the supplies she needs, it can't be that bad."

Angel came back, dragging Louis on the floor. "Now, tell me what you know about this. I know you did this and I will strangle you for ruining my favorite bedsheets."

Louis gaped at her. "You got your freakin' lady thing!"

"Wha- oh," Angel said letting her brother go. She then looked down at her pajamas, which were stained red and screamed. "HELP! IM DYING! IM DYING! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

"We know absolutely nothing about how to handle periods," Zayn mumbled. "We're gay dads, our first child was a boy, and our second was a girl."

"Wait, what'd you say?" Angel asked, narrowing her eyes at her father. "Periods?"

"Yes. It's a thing girls get when they're becoming a grown woman," Niall said nodding. Louis looked at his father shockingly, not knowing how he knew that.

Angel turned red. "Now I feel dumb."

"I'm out of here, I'm not dealing with a murderous Angel," Louis said leaving the room as far as he could before Angel could get to him.

"I'm calling my mom and see if she can help," Zayn sighed, leaving the room too.

Niall and Angel stood alone, the eleven year old not knowing what to do. Niall then told his daughter to change into some clean clothes and shower. The girl did as she was told, throwing her dirty pajamas into the hamper.

"Am I supposed to use something to stop the bleeding when I get out of the shower?!" Angel yelled from the bathroom.

"I'll go check in with your father, okay? I'll be back soon with your things," Niall said over the closed bathroom door. He left Angel's room and to the kitchen, where his husband was on the phone with his mother.

"So pads... wait, tampons? What are those? Oh... no way! She's getting pads, for sure. Um... today. What?! Yes, mom. I understand," Zayn said into the phone.

"And she gets her period every month on the same day. She can not have any spicy foods, eggs, or any food with lime. Is that clear?" Trisha spoke from the other line.

Zayn gaped at his husband. "EVERY MONTH?!"

"Well of course. If she's running low on supplies, you'll have to get her new ones. In order for less cramps, so she doesn't miss too much school, she would need a heating pad or some painkillers. Maybe even both."

This time, it felt like taking care of their first new born child for Zayn and Niall. Poor Louis would sometimes get slapped on the arm by his younger sister, Zayn gets asked to get some chocolate and Niall gets asked for cuddles. At first it was hard, trying to deal with a cuddly Angel, but after a while, Niall didn't mind.

"SUCK IT UP, ANGEL! THIS IS YOUR LIFE NOW! YOU ARE A FULLY GROWN WOMAN!" Louis heard Angel tell herself from his room.

"Help. Me."


You know why today was the best day ever??? I'll tell you why;

-my crush talked to me in all classes and gave me a hug

-I HAD A WHOLE BOX OF LARGE FRIES TO MYSELF hdjdisidnskd (best day ever) 👏🏼♥️

-i don't have crusty social studies homework for once!! (In other words, history or Geography for my British/Irish/Australian etc readers...)

Anyways bye 👋🏼♥️♥️

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