The Story of Dragons

Start from the beginning

The Tyrant-Dragon's burst out of the forest, and began to destroy the entire village, killing anyone that they saw. Incursio would crush them underneath his claws, while Galliard was burning them with his energy beam. The people of the village were running for their lives, and ran into the forest, where the grimm began to gather and they were mauled to death by hoards of grimm. They stood next to each other as they watched the village burn.

Incursio: We destroyed the humans who have murdered out father.

Galliard: We have avenged him brother, but now we must carry on with his duty.

Incursio: Salem will not give up easily.

Galliard: *Sigh* I know, but if we are to save this world, she must be destroyed, other wise Remnant will forever live in darkness.

Incursio: Lets us return home first and rest.

Galliard: Of course, we will deal with these things at a later time.

They returned to the mountain cave they had come from, but before Galliard went in, he looked to the night sky, and watched as the clouds moved out of the way of the moon.

Galliard: This world is falling into darkness, and we're the only ones who are capable of stopping it, but Salem is powerful, especially with the endless grimm that follow her.

Incursio: Brother! Are you coming in?

Galliard: Yes, I'm coming.

Galliard walked into the cave and went into his respective resting place opposite to Incursio.

Incursio: Big Brother..

Galliard: Yes?

Galliard: Can we really beat Salem and her army of grimm?...

Galliard: We have to, if not, this world is doomed.

Incursio:....For Father...

Galliard: For Father.....


The two brothers were suddenly awoken when their mountain had just exploded, throwing them out of it and rolling around in the forest.

Galliard: Aghhh....what in the world was that?

Incursio: Galliard! In the air!

Galliard: Huh?

He looked to the sky and was shocked at the sight. In the air was a three headed grimm dragon that had large wings on its sides, and four feet, and two tails.

Galliard: What is that creature?

Suddenly, a sadistic voice filled the air.

???: *giggles* This is the end for your kind you two. Meet my ultimate pet and creature, now, Ghidorah, kill the Tyrant-Dragons.

Galliard: Salem..

Ghidorah roared as the three heads released red electricity beams at the brothers, exploding the ground and sending them into the air. Once they landed, Galliard blasted Ghidorah with his energy beam, but did little damage. Ghidorah landed in front of the two, and Incursio charged in head first, trying to claw him, but one of the heads caught and bit his wrist, and then another did the same to his other wrist, finally having the middle one bite onto his neck, and raise him into the air. It began to electrocute Incursio, making him roar in pain. Galliard got around him and jumped onto him, firing his energy beam into his back, making Ghidorah release Incursio. The two brothers stood side by side as Ghidorah stood tall.

Incursio: *pant* Brother, this won't work unless we work together.

Galliard: There is only one thing we can do.

A Roses Knight: Summer Rose X Male Incursio ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now