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*Autumns POV*
I was asleep for at least a day. I woke up and it was night time. It was 2 in the morning. So I got up quitely so I wouldn't wake kookie.  I decided to go for a walk I needed to clear my head. Then i was in an park and I sat down to think. What is happening to me u thought. I felt weird. Like my magic was changing.  I was lost in thought I had no idea that some one was behind me.

    *Hand covers Autumns mouth*

*The Man*
"Hello, how are you?  After our last visit I think you are trying to avoid me how rude. Now listen or thus won't end well. I will cut your throat and knock you out cold."

*Autumns POV*
"Do it I dare you"

*The Man*
"I hate to so this but ok"

*Cuts Autumns throat and knocks out cold.*

*Autumns POV*
The man did exactly what he said. I was knocked out cold. I was going to be there for a while. I knew I may not make it.

*Jungkooks POV*
I woke up and Autumn was not with me she must of woken up and went in the kitchen. I looked everywhere but still couldn't find her. I woke up Carlee. She looked confused. I told her Autumn is gone and I was going to look for her.

*Carlees POV*
Kookie told me Autumn was gone so i paniced. He went to go find her and I went to get Destiny .  She was mad that I woke her up.  I told her what happened and she freaked.

*Destinys POV*
I woke up and started to brush to get out there we finished getting ready and meet up with kookie. He said we needed to spilit up. So we did.

*Jungkooks POV*
I started to look but I couldn't find her. It was an hour later they others had to go back. I stayed out to look for her. I went to the park time think where could she be. Then I see her on the floor. She was out cold and a cut in her throat. I ran back as fast as big could.

*Marks POV*
I saw kookie running with Autumn. I yelled to the others. They turned around and went to kookie.

*BamBams POV*
I saw Autumn and she looked like she needed a hospital quick so I called 911.they came quick and they took her. They said we couldn't come until we got a call.

We were terrified on what will happen. Kookie was the most scared he started to feel her pain. Their bond started to get a lot more powerful like V ans Carlees. They were bratically inseperibal. It was really weird at some points. They could feel all the pain they both went through. Kookie felt most of her pain and he fell straight to the floor screaming.

*Jackson's POV*
He scared the crap out of me. He felt so much pain he passed out.

*Jungkooks POV*
I started to fell her calling to me she needs me she won't make it with out me so. I tried to get up. I told V and he took me to the hospital.

*Vs POV*
I took Jungkook to the hospital with out telling the others. We got there and we said can we see Autumn. The lady said room 34.

*Jungkooks POV*
We started to fast walk to her room. We got there and she was hooked up to a bunch of machines. She was pale and you could she her ribs. She would wake up to eat. But that was about it. So I stood by her side the whole time. She was in there for 5 weeks. I stood with her u didn't eat for 3 weeks the others worried about me.

*Jin's POV*
Kookie was not eating. We would bring him food but he will still not eat.  So I forced him to eat rice a chicken. He ate it but he didn't enjoy it. Autumn started to stir he started to get a glimpse of hope. Then she opened her eyes. Her eyes looked life less. Then she started to grow fur but it was rainbow fur. Then her days glittered and age turned to a tiger. Then jumped out of a window and took of.

*Autumns POV*
I finally unlocked my rainbow power. I a  stronger. I feel free. The only problem is that I can't transform back.
Also kookie will now be able to active he new power.


Sorry for the short chapter didn't want to give away any good parts. See you next chapter. Make sure  to vote thank you and enjoy the book.

797 words

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