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*Marks POV*
We all look at Kookie pointing to the wall. It was covered in blood. It said I told you, you will pay. We all almost fainted. The boys make sure the girls are ok. They are in a lot of pain. But should be fine.

*Autumns POV*
All I could do was scream and cry. J couldn't think. I only feel pain. It was hard to see so I closed my eyes to sleep. It was nice but then u was woken up by Kookie. He was worried he wanted to do something for me. But he couldn't no matter how much he tried.

*Jungkooks POV*
I felt helpless not being able to help her. So I took her to her bed to sleep. She passed out and looked like she was getting better.

*Carlees POV*
All u could think about was,  is everyone ok. But followed by thought was pain. I couldn't bare it.  I started to scream in pain and V came to my side to check on me. He took me to my bed to rest I felt better but still scared.

*Destinys POV*
I felt weak just lying on the floor I needed to get up. So I got up and jumped onto the couch. Everyone looked at me in a concerning way. I just looked up confused. Then I saw the wall.  "AW HELL NO this girl is creepy". Everyone just laughed.

*Sugas POV*
After the funny comment mad by Destiny.  We all got to work. We all stood together so she wouldn't get us. We thought it would be best to give more then one at a time. We had some one stay with the girls and it was V Kookie and Mark.

*Marks POV*
I was left with Kookie and V on girl duty it was really boring there was nothing to do. Then acknowledge a sudden V and Kookie fell to the floor. I tried to call for help but then everything went black.

*Jimins POV*
I went back to check on the guys but when u came back they were gone!!!
" Guys come quick Mark, Kookie, and V are gone." Everyone rushed up stairs to see what happened.

*Jackson's POV*
We went up stairs and they weren't there. They had completely vanished into thin air.

*BamBams POV*
I looked for any trace of the boys and there was none. The girls were still there unharmed. But it was strange for Kookie, and V to leave them. They are always by there sides ni matter what. But to see the girls by there selves was wierd. We definitely knew they were missing.

*Autumns POV*
I wake up to my arm in a bandage and everyone looking at me like I was a ghost. "Are you guys ok. "

*BamBams POV*
"Yeah,  but are you ok. If you are you won't be for long".

*Autumns POV*
Once he said that I started to worry. " Uhh,  "where is Mark ,Kookie and V?"

"Yeah,  about that we have no idea where they are. They were up here with you guys but then they completely vanished."

*Autumns POV*
I got up and started to walk. But the I fell and BamBam came running towards me to see if I was ok. He then helped me get up. "Thanks BamBam when I am apart from Kookie for to long I lose my strength. Speaking of his long has but been."

*BamBams POV*
Once she explained why she was so weak she asked how long has it been then u said about 7 hours.

*Autumns POV*
I needed to get back to Kookie he needs me and I am worried what might happen to him. I with i knew where he was it would be so much easier to find him.   Then carlees started to wake up.

*Destinys POV*
"Ok,  Carlee don't freak out but uh we have no idea where Mark, V, or Kookie are. They completely vanished."

*Carlees POV*
"WHAT,  we have to go find them and fast." I walked all the way to the door and I almost passed out. But Jackson was right behind me so he caught me. He looked worried about me.  But I don't know why I barley even know him.

           *Meanwhile at a desert*

*Jungkooks POV*
"Where are we.?  What why are we out here we need to go back.?"

*Marissas POV*
"You are out in the desert sweety. This is where it will be the end of you and your friends."

*Jungkooks POV*
"Hey,  V wake up. You need to see this."

*Vs POV*
I heard Jungkooks voice and woke up. I looked  around in confusion. He then explains that we are smack dab in the middle of a desert. And that we may die here. Mark woke up and heard everything. He was Shookethed.

*Marks POV*

          *Back at the house*
*Destinys POV*
The girls are getting weaker by the hour. We came up with a plan. But the girls have to point the way the boys are right now. Autumn will be on BamBams back si she won't waste energy. Carlees will be on Jacksons back for the same reason. We left the house following the girls directions.

*BamBams POV*
Autumn was on my back and she was lighter then a feather. I was so surprised. She told me we were almost there and that we should be prepared for anything. We made it she said. Then I yelled back saying we made it.

*Autumns POV*
We found the boys and they looked happy to see us I got off of BamBams back and ran straight to kookie. Carlee did the same but time V. I was si happy to see his face.  It lit up at the sight of me. But then I felt the magic slip away from me and I started to slip with it.

*Jungkooks POV*
Marissa started to take Autumns magic I tried to push her out of the way but it was too late. Autumns magic was gone and so was she. I was so sad I started to cry. But something inside me changed I felt my self get on all fours and grow fur.

*Carlees POV*
Autumn was gone her magic was gone and si was she all u could do was cry I was so helpless I lost one of my beat friends.

*Destinys POV*
I couldn't believe it mg friend was really gone. I fell to my knees and screamed. I could believe it I didn't want to believe it.  All they boys started to tear up. But then I saw kookie. He...... He..  .   He.....  He was a tiger!!!

*Jungkooks POV*
I turned into a tiger and broke free. I went after Marissa but she vanished at the sight of me.  Then I returned back to normal. I held Autumn in my arms crying she was gone and I couldn't do anything. I wish i could but I couldn't.  My tears ran down  my face and onto her.

   *bright light blinds everyone*

*Autumns POV*
I thought I was finally a goner. I was dead but then something or someone brought me back to life. I gasped for air to see Kookie I was so happy I couldn't think. So I did the first thing that came to mind I kissed him!

*Carlees POV*
Once everyone was out of the cage we were about to go but then Autumn came back to life. Then out of no where Kookie and her kissed.!!

*Everyone in shock, Mark takes picture of them*

*All run to Autumn and give her a big hug*

*Marissa's POV*
"You haven't seen the last of me Fairys"

Wow,  that was a lot to take in. Hope you enjoy. Comment if you cried. Please vote for this book thanks.

1308 words

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