The Begining

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*Destinys POV*
Once the lights turned on I saw the members crowding v, Jungkook, Autumn, and Carlee.  I walked over to see they all we struck by some kind of powerful magic. 

Autumn, and Carlee looked horrible. It looked like they were trying to hold on to there lives. Jungkook and V didn't look to good their selves. That's when I decided it was not safe here we needed to give to our secret hiding spot now.

Once we saw them on the floor we all wondered if they would be ok. Kookie he seemed to glow for some reason and I didn't know why.  Then Destiny said two of us pick up the guys and the other two pick up the girls. She said we were going some where. We did as she said and followed her.

*Destiny's POV*
With the boys right behind me I was able to take them to the hideout. I told them to put Carlee and Autumn in those tube looking beds. Once they did the girls we safely floating while sleeping.  Then I told them to but the boys on the bed.

*Sugas POV*
Once we put everyone who was injured down. I was shocked on where the girls we're sleeping.  They were flying in mid sleep.  It was weird to see them like that. I just gazed in amazement.  Then all of a sudden the boys start to wake up.

*Jungkooks POV*
"What.....?  What happened?. Who did I end up here?"

*says what happens in Korean. *

*Jungkooks POV*
"Oh. " Once RM told me what happened I was in shocked. I had no idea what to do. But then I remembered Autumn.  I was looking for but couldn't find her.  Then I see her floating in the air asleep I had no words what so ever. Then I saw V he looked in pain but he started to wake up.

*Vs POV*
"Where am I"

*RM explains again.*

*Vs POV*
All I could think about was where is Carlee.  I started to look around for her.  She was asleep in the AIR!!!!  How is that even possible. Waite just Awnserd my own question ha.  It looked like the girls weren't doing well.  Kookie tried to get up and go to the girls but he just collapsed.  He was not going to give up though not until he knew they were safe.

*Jungkooks POV*
I constantly tried to get to the girls but I couldn't.  So I just dragged my self across the floor to get to them. So did V. Once we touched their hands they glowed. It was blinding.

*Destinys POV*
We were all blinded by a glowing light.  I ran up stairs to see Kookie and V holding their hands passed out. I pulled them apart.  Then the girls woke up and fell.  I was so happy they were ok.  The boys were happy to they hugged the girls it was sweet.  Then the girls fell asleep again.  This time the boys did not want to leave them out of their sights. So they all went to the couch and sleept.

Once I knew it was ok to come up to the second floor. I walk right in to see something so cute. The boys were cradling the girls and they fell asleep.  Of cores I took a picture. I am not passing up something so cute. But then I started to worry I asked Destiny why all of them were glowing.

*Destinys POV*
Once RM pointed out that they all were glowing I started to panic.  I tried to get the girls awake and away from the boys.  But the boys had a strong gripe on them they did not want anything to happen to them. I told RM to leave.  Once he did the boys grew FAIRY WINGS!!!!!!!

*Autumn's POV*
When I woke up all I see is cookies arms around me it made me feel so warm on the inside. Then I see Destiny looking like she just saw a ghost.  Then I look up to see that the boys have wings.  Why did I get so close to him if I didn't he wouldn't be in this situation. UHG. Then Carlee woke up.

*Carlees POV*
I finally woke up and I see V holding me it felt amazing to know that he cared for me. Then I see my friends like that just saw someone get murdered. Then all I see are wings on the boys. CRAP!

*Jungkooks POV*
I saw Autumn up and I was so happy. But she looked scared. I looked up to see that u have WINGS!!  So did V I almost screamed but Autumn covered my mouth and I can see it in her eyes she did not want me to scream. I am glad she is ok but I can't say the same for me.  I am scared how V will react to this.

*Vs POV*
I heard a faint scream and I woke up. I saw Carlee and Autumn are ok. But Carlee looked like I was about to die. I smiled at her and she smiled back.  I looked up and I was about to scream.  But then Carlee kissed me. I was in shock and so were the others. We had no idea what just happened.

*Carlees POV.*
I had no idea what just happend.  I had no time to think of something so I did the first thing I thought of. I kissed him. I needed to get up but I was to weak. I think Autumn was too.

*Destiny's POV*
I tried to pull the girls up as hard as I could but they were to weak. So I made a jester so the y would pick them up and put them in those chairs.  They did as told, but once the boys left the girls got super weak. I called them back over and they were fine. Then I realized it is a lot worse then I thought!

Hope you are enjoying the book so far. I will upload every Tuesday from now on. Look forward to the next book

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