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*Destiny's POV*
Once I realized that the girls get weaker when the boys leave. I knew exactly what was wrong. When a Fairy sticks around a human and that human gets wings. They have a special bond that can't be broken. And if something happens to the person the other one will know what is wrong.

*Autumns POV*
Once I knew that I get weaker when kookie leaves I started to panic. Thanks to the bond kookie knew something was wrong.

*Jungkooks POV*
I had a feeling inside of me telling me something was wrong with Autumn. I don't know what it was but it was right. She looked fairly worried.  I looked at her and it was like she knew what I was going to say.  She looked up and said she was ok.

*Carlees POV*
I was really hurt but I didn't want the others to know so I just sat quietly. But V knew something I didn't. I didn't hear what the others said because I was zoned out. Trying not to show pain. Then I felt a warm feeling inside of me. Like my heart was trying to tell me something.

*Vs POV*
Something was wrong with Carlee I had to tell everyone or she may get worse.
"Something is wrong......... Um...... With Carlee. "

*Autumns POV*
V said something was wrong with Carlee so I tried to get up to see her but I just fell to the floor. It was so embarrassing. Buy kookie ran straight to me to see if I was ok it was nice. But the other members heard and came up stairs. I knew we had to tell then.

*members come up stairs*

"What was that sound?  Is everyone ok? Uh... Autumn are you ok,  you don't look so good? Uhh. I have a lot of questions. First why are V, and Kookie always by Autumn and Carlees side like 24/7?Also is there something your not telling us? "

*Destinys POV*
"Well....  Um...  It's kinda hard to explain. You see...  How should I put this".

*Carlees POV*
"Destiny it's fine let us explain we did this to them we should be the ones explaining. "

*Destinys POV*
"Ok. I will go get the pillows just in case. "

*Autumns POV*
" So you already know we are fairys but what u didn't tell you is that when you stick around us for a long time you grow fairy wings. Also you create a really strong bond. "

*Carlees POV*
"Also that you can not leave the person you are bonded to or that person will become weak and won't be able to do things. Those people right now are V and I."

*Autumns POV*
" Then it's Kookie and I,  that's why they have been by out sides all the time. So question"

*All look at you in blank stares*

*Sugas POV*
"So waite,  you 4 are now all fairies. I am going to need a minute. Oh so that is why you are on the floor."

*Autumns POV*
"Yes that is why I am on the floor right now. Also yes we are fairies.  Also I can't get up. Uh can someone help. Please."

*Jungkooks POV*
"I got you."
*picks up Autumn*

*Autumns POV*

*J-Hopes POV*
"Hold on I still am shocked. So what about Destiny.  Is she bonded to anyone.? "

*Destinys POV*
"No I am not bonded to any one. Also the girls can't walk yet they are still recovering. So don't be surprised if the sleep a lot ok."

*Jin's POV*
"Yeah we can kinda see that. "

*Autumn asleep in cookies arms,  and Carlee asleep in a chair.

*Vs POV*
"I got her"


*V and kookie*
" Be quiet "

*Destinys pov*
"So we need to be careful from now on or we will get in big trouble....."

*Everything goes black and red.*

*Joshs POV*
"To late I have one of your members. I will give him up for 2 of the fairy girls. And only the fairy girls. "

*Carlees POV*
" Take me just don't hurt V please.*

*Joshs POV*
"Ok fine with me but we need one more who will it be? I wonder"

*Autumns POV*
"Take me but leave everyone alone. That is my deal."

*Joshes POV*
" Ok fine with me so I will take you two and go.  So say your good byes."

*Autumns POV*
" Kookie where ever I go you can find me. *she whispers.*

*Jungkooks POV*
She told me I can all ways find her but I didn't want her to go. If I am not with her she will get worse then she already is. I tried to stop her but I couldnt. I felt like I was helpless.

*Joshs POV*
"Ok,  now let's go girls we have a lot of business to take care of. "

*has the girls vanish and float next to him*

*Joshs POV*
"Ok bye now!"

*Jungkooks POV*
I will never forget the look on her fave, she was in pain and she had no strangeth left. It was hard to look at her.

*Vs POV*
I was so scared on what will happen to them but mainly Carlee. What will happen if I leave her for so long will she just get worse or die. What ever needed to be done we need it to be done fast.

*Destinys POV*
Once the girls vanished with Josh I was in full panic mode. Suga tried to calm me down but I was to scared.  We needed to get them back or I am afraid they will not make it.

*Sugas POV*
I tried to calm Destiny down but I couldn't she was worried what might happen to them. It was gettin late so I told her to go to bed and let us think of something.

*Destinys POV*
Suga told me to go to bed and that they will think of something so they can find the girls. With Kookie and V they were more scared then I was.  So I did as he said I headed to bed. I was worried what might happend.  Also if Kookie and V will be fine. But I wonder what did Autumn say before she was vanished with Carlee and Josh. I will ask tomorrow. Well I better get to bed.

*Vs POV*
"Ok boys here is the plan to get the girls back! "

I know I said I will upload every Tuesday but I decided to upload when ever I can. Also I had nothing to do in school so I just typed up this chapter. Hope you like it. And plz  vote. Thank you.

1108 words

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