Chapter 25

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Derek's POV--

It wasn't long before they returned. Other people were sensed in the process and it was obvious that Caleb took us to his clan to be watched over.

It was most likely in the event that us breaking free happened.

The guards noticed that the door was open, and ran in to check out the perimeter. "Now!" I call out.

Milena and Aarai run in and stab them in the throat immediately, preventing noise for a stealthy kill.

"Okay. Perfect, now to navigate our way the hell outta this place." I tell them.

It was almost nightfall, it was horrendously quiet.

We each took a turn at keeping watch and listening out.

As we walk forth through unknown territory, I look down at my hands.

"Hey." Someone says, walking up on me and placing a warm hand on my shoulder.

I look over to see Christian.

"What's wrong? You don't seem the same as you did just a few hours ago." She tells me comfortingly.

"I'm fine. It's just..." I think about his face again in front of me, that nasty smirk and all.

I growl loudly, roaring and slamming my fist hard into the tree in front of me.

"I can't believe that that guy beat me! He tried to turn my clan against me.. He tried to turn my BROTHER against me!" I yell in anger. "What more does he want?"

Christian takes my shaky hand into hers and brushes off the blood that dripped down. Then, intertwines her fingers with my own.

"It's gonna be fine, I promise. We're all here for you." She tells me.

I look around at the people scouting the area.

"We'll help you, Caleb CAN'T win. You're the Alpha."

I ball up my other fist and look up at the moon. "Yeah... You're right."

"I know I am." She smiles, then leans onto my arm and exhales as we walk.

"Derek!" Someone calls over to me. "I think I found something."

"Damn... Derek, you might wanna check this out." Miles adds on when she sees the same sight.

I walk over to Aarai and Milena.

I freeze in my spot when I catch a glimpse at what was in front of me. My body froze, and I was in shock. I felt like screaming but my voice was missing.

"Hey? Do you know that guy?" Christian asks me, looking up.

There's first silence.

Then I lock my teeth together, to prevent losing my mind. "Yes."

He snatches the note off of the man's chest.

"That's my father."

Christian's POV--

It was a long . When I wake up, everyone is sleep along a row of trees and shrubs.

I pick up the note and read it over, "Surprise, I hope you like my gift to you, you've lost everyone, and now your clan too." - C

I'm already walking as far as I could, I needed to clear my head of everything that happened.

I rip the note in two and squash it under my foot. "What kind of monster-?" I start to ask.

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