Chapter 44: Getting There

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*A Few Weeks Later*

Lauren's Point of View:

'Lauren, you ready to go to meet the boys at their apartment?' Sophie called from the kitchen walking to were I was in the sitting room.

I was leaning against the wall, I am starting to get the power back in my legs again, which is good, I can only make it small distances until I collapse on the ground.

'You ok?' she asked, walking over to me.

'Yeah, I thought I could have been able to walk today but, I guess not it still really hurts'

'Of course it will Lauren, Please sit back down' she said bringing over the wheelchair to me. I hate this thing. I just wanna start walking normal again. I done what I was told and sat down on the chair.

Louis' Point of View:

We just arrived back at our appartment.

'God I'm tired' Niall said yawning as he collapsed onto the sofa.

'Me too' Zayn said.

I walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water. 

'Is the girls coming over?' Liam asked.

'Yeah, Lauren text me saying they are almost here'

A knock came to the door a few minutes later.

Harry got up answering the door.

 'Hey girls, Nialler, Louis, You're girlfriends are here' Harry yelled, letting them in.

Niall jumped up and ran over to Sophie hugging her.

I got up and walked up to Lauren.

'Hold on, help me up?' Lauren asked me, when I got over.

'Are you sure you will be able?' I asked.

She nodded. 'Yeah' as she stepped her foot onto the floor then as with the other. I took her hand slowly helping her up.

'Getting there' She smiled, holding onto me. 

'You sure are babe' I smiled, planting a kiss on her lips.

'Hey you can stand' Harry smiled.

'Yeah I can, not for long though, but I'm getting there' Lauren replied.

Harry nodded.

'She can't walk much of a distance but she's almost there' Sophie said with a little smile.

I helped Lauren over to the couch and sat next to her.

'I missed you so much' I said kissing her once softly.

'I missed you too' she smiled, kissing me again.

'Ew not here elsewhere please' Harry chuckled. 'Louis' mine still' he winked at me.

She laughed lightly 'Okay Harry' 

Harry sat on my knee giving me a hug.

'Want anything to drink Lauren?' Liam asked as he got up of the sofa walking towards the kitchen.

'No thanks Liam I'll be fine' she replied, taking out her phone as it rang. 'It's my mum..... again' I sighed.

'Answer her'

'Okay' she said answering the phone. 'Hello?'

Lauren's Point of View:

'Hello... Lauren? How are you?'

'I'm fine mum, stop worrying, your ringing me 24/7 since you found out about the accident, please just stop worrying'

'Sorry I can't help it... Are you coming home soon?'

'I should be, once my physio is finished'

'And when will that be?'

'In about three more weeks, I promise I'll come home then'

'Okay, we love you Lauren be careful okay?'

'I will mum, love you to bye' I said hanging up.

'You alright?' Louis asked taking my hand.

'Yeah just that I wish mum wasn't worrying as much, I'm fine, I can also walk again so hopefully when physio is finished ill be able to walk properly again, i'm started to get fed up wheeling around after people' I said with a sigh.

'I know you are babe, you will be walking again soon, I just know it' he said, getting Harry of his knee, and sitting me on his lap, pressing his lips against the back of my neck.

I smiled softly, turning my head to him, kissing his lips softly.

He kissed me back but with all passion.

'If you guys are going to snog, please take it elsewhere' Liam chuckled.

'Alright' Louis said breaking the kiss and picking me up bridal style bringing me up to his bedroom.

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