Chapter 26: To Nialler and Soph

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Louis’ Point Of View:

I just stared at Zayn at the moment; I wasn’t sure what to really say. Of course I was happy for Niall and Sophie getting engaged but I was just shocked.

‘Nialler is getting married!’ Harry said jumping around.

‘I know!’ nodded Zayn a smile appeared across his face.

‘How about we open a bottle of champagne to celebrate when Nialler gets back with his Fiancée’ asked Harry, running over to the press to see if we have some champagne.

‘Do we even have any champagne?’ asked Liam..

‘Yup we do’ said Harry talking out the bottle of champagne. ‘Now seven glasses and we will wait till Nialler comes, dammit I want this now’ he chuckled.

We laughed and I put my arm around Lauren pulling her into a hug.

She hugged me tightly.

About a half an hour into the film, we heard a car door being shut.

Harry bolted up and ran over to the window nearly stumbling. ‘Nialler and Sophie are back’

Zayn jumped up and ran into the kitchen to get the glasses.

Liam turned off the TV not wanting to turn off his favourite film.

The door opened and we all turned to the door.

‘Hey guys’ said Nialler with a smiled across his face holding Sophies hand tightly in his. Lauren smiled at them


‘Thanks Harry’ they replied.

‘We are going to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate’ smiled Liam.

‘Where is Zayn with the glasses?’ asked Harry chuckling.

‘I only have two hands, Harry Help?’

‘Alright’ He took a few glasses and walked out handing each of us a glass.

‘Thanks’ said Lauren taking the glass off him.

Liam, Sophie, Niall and I took a glass. Zayn came out with the bottle of champagne.

‘Okay now watch yourselves as I open this, don’t want anyone knocked out’ He chuckled and popped open the champagne and poured it into the seven glasses.

‘Now I propose a toast to Nialler and Sophie, Congratulations on you’s two getting engaged, besides I’m a boy of very little words, thank you, to Nialler and Sophie’ smiled Harry.

‘To Niall and Sophie’ we all cheered.

 ‘GROUP HUG!’ Yelled Harry.

We chuckled and got in for a group hug.

One big group hug all seven of us.

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