Chapter 32: Joke

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Lauren’s point of view:

‘Shall we get going?’ Sophie asked walking out of River Island with me.

‘Sure, I have to get packing, I’m going home tomorrow’

‘Aw really?’ she frowned.

‘Yeah, besides I will be back in a few weeks’ I smiled.

‘Yeah, At least you’re back in a few weeks’

‘Shall we get back maybe the boys are home?’

She checked the time and nodded ‘Yeah they should be home by now’

We walked back to the car and drove to the apartment. They weren’t back just yet but Sophie knew where the spare key was.

I brought the things I bought down to Louis’ bedroom and put them next to my bag.

‘Want a cup of tea Lauren?’ Sophie called up the stairs to me.

‘Yeah please’ I told her as I walked down the stairs.

She nodded then walked into the kitchen. I walked in and sat at the table ‘Sugar?’

‘No thanks’ she handed me my tea and sat down with hers.

We drank our tea ‘Wonder where they are..’ I asked, finishing my tea.

‘Maybe they are just running late with the meeting’

I nodded and put my cup in the dishwasher. I heard a car door shut and voices from outside the window.

‘Must be them now’ Sophie said putting her cup in the dishwasher and closing it.

The door opened and the boys walked in, as soon as Niall seen Sophie he ran straight to her and hugged her tightly.  ‘Hey princess, enjoy shopping with Lauren?’

‘I did indeed’ she smiled and kissed his cheek.

I walked into the sitting room where Liam, Zayn and Harry were.

‘Hey Lauren’ they said.

‘Hey guys where’s Lou?’

‘Toilet’ Laughed Harry. ‘He had to go since we left the meeting so we drove home slowly just to piss him off’

Zayn nodded and chuckled. 

‘And It wasn’t me who was driving’ Liam said.

‘Who was it then’ I laughed sitting down.

‘Harry’ Zayn and Liam pointed at Harry.

‘Hey!’ he laughed ‘Yeah it was me’

‘Was a really long journey home’ Niall shouted from the kitchen.

Louis walked into the room and sat next to me.

‘Still not talking to me Lou?’ frowned Harry.


‘You just did’


Harry chuckled.

Louis kissed my cheek. ‘Enjoy shopping with Sophie?’

I nodded and smiled ‘I did indeed’

‘Awesome you buy anything?’

‘Yeah just some clothes and stuff’

Harry chuckled ‘What kind of stuff’

‘Stop being nosey Harry’ Liam laughed.

‘Not the stuff you’re thinking about now Harry’ I laughed shaking my head.

Harry frowned and relaxed into the chair.

‘we have to go to America on Friday’ Louis said to me.

‘Really?’ I replied. ‘For how long?’

‘Just a few weeks, for the ‘Up All Night’ Tour’

‘Aw really?’

He nodded. ‘When you are finished with your exams, how about you come over to us?’

‘Sure’ I nodded.

‘I’ll let you know where-abouts we will be the time you will come over’

I nodded and smiled. ‘Okay thanks, what about Soph?’

‘She will come over with you the time you come over; our manager wouldn’t let Niall bring Soph’


He nodded ‘Yeah really’

‘Anyone hungry?’ Harry asked.

‘Yeah I’m starving’ Niall shouted from the kitchen.

‘Of course you are’ Harry said.

‘I’ll make something’ Liam said as he walked into the kitchen.

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