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10 years on.....

Lauren's Point of View:

I looked out at my three kids playing out in the back garden, the two twins Conor and Darcy who are six and the youngest Caitlin who is two. I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist, and a pair of soft lips, kissing my neck softly, I turned around to see my husband, Harry, smiling at me. 

'You're back early, did you have a good day babe?' I asked, kissing his lips.

'Oh yes I did, just played with the kids, what about you?'

'Just wrote some songs and recorded and stuff, I just couldn't stand not seeing you for five hours so I came home early' he smiled, kissing me again, pulling me close.

'Daddy!' Darcy grinned running into the kitchen over to Harry, he broke the kiss picking her up and hugging her 'Hey sweetheart, were you a good girl for mummy today?'

'I was daddy' she smiled, hugging him tightly.

Conor walked in holding Caitlin who was crying after falling on the ground.

'Mummy she fell when she was running in to see daddy,' Conor tried to hand her up to me, I smiled and took her off him and kissed her head, putting her on the counter to clean her up, I smiled when she immediately stopped crying, she smiled at me and reached back out to me 'Mama, Cwan I hwave iwce cwream?' she sniffled. 

I nodded and smiled 'Of course you can pet' I smiled. I put her down on the ground and walked to the utility room to the freezer and got the ice cream out, I walked to the door, smiling at my family, as Harry sat on the floor playing with the kids, as they giggled with him, I couldn't believe how everything had changed so much, and I had a fantastic husband and three amazing kids and I was still embarking on an amazing adventure with my amazing family and also along with my friends.

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