Chapter 43: Everything will be ok

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Long time no reading eh directioners? I will start updating on this again as I am now writing only 3 stories to everything is a-ok :) Hopefully I'll be starting a Niall Horan love story too soon, till then you will have to wait, if you want to know more about what I'm writing I will update on my twitter @_NiallsPerfect_ and now Kirsten Harry's Girlfriend is now in a main character, here you will read she has her own Point of View, hope you enjoy, comment, vote and fan :) read my other stories too guys much love lauren x

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Kirsten’s Point of View:

Oh my gosh. I can't believe I met Harry Styles. He was so nice and so much hotter in person. I can't wait for the Concert soon. It'll be amazing since I'll be meeting him again. I hope he'll remember me. I also hope he'll call or text me. This would be the start of something new in my life.

Sophie's Point of View:

I was at the top of the statue of liberty with Niall as he thought me getting out of the hospital and getting fresh air would help me.

'Niall?' I finally said.

'Yes princess?' 

'Do you think we should just get married when we get back to London?' I looked at him.

'If you want to' he replied. 

I nodded slowly, resting my head on his shoulder, slipping my hand into his, watching the sunset.

Lauren's Point of View:

Starting to walk again really hurts, I glnaced at Louis who was right beside me helping me. 

'You can do it babe' he said. He looked wrecked he hadn't slept much in the past two days. 

I winced slightly and placed my right foot out again, holding onto the handle bars along the way.

I let go of the bars as I got to the edge trying to walk without them and I ended up falling.

Louis rushed to my side as quickly as possible and knelt down helping me up.

I laughed and looked up at him.

'Almost there babe' he smiled, kissing my forehead.

The physiotherapist came over once I sat on the wheelchair and smiled.

'You're proving the doctors wrong, you are doing very well, another appointment tomorrow morning at ten' 

I nodded slowly, I really wish this was just one big nightmare, that I didn't have to be in a wheelchair, but hopefully I will be walking again soon enough.

* * * * * * * * 

'Louis, go to the concert tonight, It's only for a few hours' I said to Louis 'You haven't been on in two days'

'No, I'm staying right here' 

'Louis' I sighed 'Please? The boys need you, I have Sophie here' 

Sophie nodded 'Yeah just go on Louis, its okay'

Louis nodded 'Fine, I'll be back later' he said kissing my forehead before leaving.

Liam's Point of View:

'No point in asking Louis to go with us then?' I asked as I put on my coat in the waiting room.

'I don't know, maybe we should ask him' Louis laughed, walking up behind us.

'You're coming with us?' Zayn smiled.

'Yeah, Lauren told me to go' 

'Sound' Niall said.

'We should get going wouldn't want Paul giving out to us for being late now'  I said picking up the car keys and walking with the lads.

Harry lagged being texting, I'd say Kirsten.

'Who's Haz texting?' Louis asked Niall.

'Some girl he met the other day, Kirsten I think her name is' Niall replied as we got the the car getting in.

Harry got in the back sitting next to me on his phone.

'Not like Harry to be quiet eh?' Zayn chuckled.

'Yeah I know right?' I laughed as I started to drive to the arena.

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