Chapter 9: Sneaking away again

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Lauren’s Point Of View:

‘Don’t get caught again Lauren’

‘I won’t, Rachel’

‘We are serious’ answered Hayley. She looked at the time ‘it’s half seven I suppose you could just relax for a few minutes’

I just nodded and looked out of the window.

‘I wonder what Louis has planned’ I asked.

‘Not sure, what would you like to do?’

‘I don’t know a picnic would be nice I guess’

‘You never know what he has planned’ replied Rachel ‘Just don’t get caught again as you are sneaking out’

‘And be back before eleven, that’s when the teachers come round to check on us to see if we are asleep’

‘Yeah ok guy’s, if I’m not back till then just say I’m asleep ok?’

They nodded.

‘Right I’m going to go now, Louis might be out there’

‘Good luck and have fun’

‘Thanks I will, see you later, I’ll text you’s when we are on our way back’

I opened the door quietly and snuck out of the room. The halls were quiet too quiet so would have to be quick to get to the elevator. My heart was beating fast. I didn’t want to get caught.. Not tonight..

I quietly got to the elevator and got in. ‘Please no-one I know be down here’ I muttered to myself.

Once I got to the Lobby this is where it got tricky. One of the teachers was in the bar.

‘Crap’ I muttered quietly. He wasn’t looking in my direction but I wasn’t going to chance it if I walked by and he say me. I needed a plan to get by. The only thing i could think of to get out was grab a magazine and cover my face with it.

‘Worth a shot’ I muttered as I picked up a magazine and walked out of the hotel.

‘That was a close one’ I thought.

Louis was at his car. I waved at him and went over to him.

‘Hey’ He smiled and kissed my cheek.

‘Hey, you ok?’

‘Yeah, I’m great you?’

‘I’m great, wasn’t so hard sneaking out I guess’ I chuckled. ‘What’s the plan for tonight?’

‘You will see come on let’s get out of here before someone does catch you’

He opened the passenger door for me. I smiled. ‘Thank you, you’re a gentleman’

He chuckled. ‘You’re welcome and thanks’

He got into the car and we headed towards London.

Follow Your Heart (A One Direction Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon