Not good for you

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" You filthy liar." I spat my head suddenly starting to spin. I felt myself fall to the floor, lips quivering as I tried to regain myself. I told myself to get myself together because I knew Xavier was enjoying every bit of my mess.

"I know Sebastian he wouldn't......"

"You clearly don't. look at the state of you. Sort yourself out we will talk about it tomorrow." The man looked down at me calm and expressionless.

"No. You don't get to say that and leave as nothing happened." But he didn't listen as I heard the slamming of the door and engulfed in silence and my deadly thoughts. I sat on the floor thinking, figuring out a way to find out about Samantha's death. I traced my memory back to every event with Samantha, picking out every detail. 

"He's going to f..k up my plan."


4 years ago

" Rosa sei pazzo ( are you crazy)" Samantha spoke frustrated, walking restlessly around the apartment, my eyes following her every move.

" I knew you would disapprove..."

"of course. the guy is as fucked up as can be. Hell-he's more messed up than me and that says a lot...."

" Sammy he's not like that. He said that he was wrongly labelled." I spoke trying to reassure my best friend, who only glared at me with anger.

" He nearly killed his ex. I don't think you can change just like that.."

" He said they were all lies." I reasoned 

" Are you listening to yourself. You are defending a psychopath. You need to stop seeing him Rosa, your relationship with him Isn't healthy." Samantha now crouched in front of me holding my hands, her eyes softening as she pushed for me to understand.

"We're just friends."

"The way he looks at you its clearly not like that for him" Samantha yelled nearly knocking over the vase. 

" Listen to me Rosa, I know men like him, hell! my dad was just like him. Please listen to your sister when I'm telling you he isn't good for you."

"Fine. I'll stop hanging out with him." I lied causing Sam to let out a sigh of relief. 

"I'm gonna go. You better mean what you just said. Promise." Sam spoke her anger subsiding. Nodding I walked her out of the apartment, however, when I opened the door, I didn't expect the man me and Samantha just had an argument about standing in front of my home with flowers in his hand.

"Yep, I'm not leaving," Sam mumbled pushing past me giving me a knowing look.

" Damien. What.. um what are you doing here." the man standing in front of me dressed to impress. An expensive suit and hair gelled back, to say I was surprised was an understatement.

"Don't tell me you forgot angel." I looked confused at Damien not having the slightest clue about what he was talking about. Samantha soon stood behind me and looked at Damien with a look of disgust. Suddenly, Damien's eyes darkened as he recognised the look Samantha was giving him.

" It's our first date." My breathing hitched and I was more confused than ever and Damien's face twisted in a nasty scowl once he realised I had no idea at all.

"You fucking forgot. Great, just when I began to trust you." the flowers dropped from his hand as he turned around to leave casting me a final look of disappointment. I turned around to Sam, who gave me a warning look, but it was as if my body wanted something else as I found myself running after him.

"Dem I'm sorry," I spoke breathlessly as I reached him, grabbing his arm.

"Seriously Rose. I did all this for you only to be slapped on the face." Damien frustrated looking right into my eyes. Our eyes seemed to do their own communication and soon Damien broke away from my gaze sighing.

" You got five minutes to get ready. I'm waiting" squealing like a little kid, I suddenly jumped into his arms thanking him and running back to my apartment to get ready. 

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