Daddy Issues

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The next morning was the usual getting up pretending last night never happened and going on to do my normal routine. Jack was pretty used to pretending nothing had happened but one thing he still hadn't mastered to avoid was the look he would give me every morning. Sympathy. I hated that look and Jack wasn't the first one to show it, Dad would give me the same look but soon I knew that my nightmares and anxiety attacks were too much for him to handle. A part of me still believes and knows that Dad blames me for my nightmares.

I remember the day I ran away from the horror of a life I used to live and saw the look dad gave me .Shame. He hated the fact that the director of the FBI has a daughter so fragile and broken without repair, I guess that's the reason he finally decided to push his only daughter and family away from him because of his damn reputation. It was then I realised that I had to survive on my own without anyones help. I started to build my walls up but what I do right now and what I have accomplished over the years deep down was me trying to be the best of the best to prove to my dad I was not the fragile broken girl he thought of me. However deep down under the mask of resilience was a broken girl wanting to be loved and accepted.

"So what's on the agenda today" I spoke taking a sip of my coffee while I typed away on the computer trying to find a case to take my mind of yesterday night. Scrolling through news articles one caught my eye.

" Three bodies found in lakewood district. Killer still not found." Jack read the article out loud. The lake district was close to our town known for its high crime rates especially since the most powerful gangs operated in the area. Skimming over the article the three victims were between the age of 20-26 year old all three were dumped in the same area with no sign of struggle.

"The victims knew the killer." I added narrowing my eyes at the lack of information the article provided.

"Where are you going" Jack questioned as I put my parka on getting ready to investigate more into the murder. Soon Jack had got the hint where I was going as he followed behind me out of the apartment.


"Hi Miss Summers. Is it ok if we ask you a few questions about your daughter Hope. I'm Rosaline Carter and this is Jack Smith. We're private investigators." Smiling at the middle aged women I inspected the area she lived in. It was likely Hope was the one paying the bills while her mother stayed at home and by the looks of it Miss Summers seemed to be quite the alcoholic.

"Look I already talked to the police..."

"Were not the police" Jack intersected

"Who the fuck are you than. I haven't got time for you people. Piss off" And just like that the door was slammed onto our faces.

"Jack how many years do you go to prison for hiding information that could help solve a murder."I asked loud enough for the women to hear.
"I don't know 7 years if your lucky. but I mean you can be charged as an accomplice which is 20 years." Jack played along and soon enough a gasp was heard from inside the apartment making me smirk.I counted down to 10 and soon the door opened with force revealing a distressed Miss Summers.

"Tea." miss summer asked sweetly her devour changing. I shook my head decline continuing to look at the small cramped apartment. There were hardly any furniture in the room only a bed and couple of chairs. a huge mirror was placed against the wall.

"Was there anything suspicious about Hope recently." Jack asked as I stared at the middle aged women in front of me. analysing her every move.

"I hardly saw her. she was tackling so many jobs..."

"She was a prostitute." I said straight to the point causing two faces to turn to me abruptly.

"Are you assuming..."

"You don't have any pictures of her on your wall. Your addiction with alcohol caused your relationship to fall apart. You don't say her name because its really not her name. Hope was the name she used on the streets. You avoid conversations about her because your ashamed off what she had become."

"I...I yes she was." Miss Summers looked down ashamed.

"Who did she work for mam" Jack asked professionally

"I can't say they told me not to say anything." soon miss Summer broke out into tears.

" Miss Summers is it a gang who murdered your child." I asked knowing well enough the answer to the question.

"It was the scorpions...they did it." My eyes widened as I turned my head towards Jack.

"Thank you Ms.Summers. If you need any help or remember anything than don't be afraid to call me." I smilled handing her my contact number.


" We are not investigating this it's too dangerous. The Scorpions are ruthless murderers they make no mistakes. Rose are you even listening." Jack asked but I was too busy trying to hack into the gangs files to respond.

"You're hacking their system aren't you" Jack sighed knowingly causing me to smirk mischievously.

"Yep and bingo." I spoke pressing the enter button causing all the files to appear.

"Holy shit" Jack mumbled as I looked at the files. Suddenly my phone started to ring, not even looking at the screen I attended the call.

"Miss Carter you just got into a lot of trouble interfering with our business."

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