Samantha Doolittle

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"I need information on a certain someone who was very close to you.Samantha Doolittle." My heart froze as I struggled to get up from the floor. My mind instantly recognised the name and suddenly I became aware that Jack had indeed told Xavier everything.

"She was just a friend. We drifted apart." I shrugged pulling myself off the ground. I rubbed my neck as the pain seemed to increase. Xavier narrowed his eyebrows at me as I moved towards Sebastian, which I found peculiar. My body seemed to do its own thing and without realisation I had once again grabbed Sebastian's hand for comfort. My mind regained the memories I tried so hard to forget causing an unbearable ache in my heart. My grip on Sebastian's hand tightened as I tried to regain my cold personae, still under the scrutiny of Xavier and Jack.

" I heard you were inseparable." Xavier chuckled pulling out a photograph of me and Samantha. I was grinning like a cheshire cat with my arms over Samantha's shoulder, while she seemed to smile lightly. Samantha was in a relationship,which she didn't tell me until we were close enough. A relationship which one could only describe as scandalous. A relationship with Xavier Giovani.

"And?" I questioned, my confidence decreasing.

"Where is she?"

"No idea. I would have gone with her if I knew." I lied not breaking away from Xavier's gaze. Xavier sighed turning his head towards Jack and then back at me as he let out a low and menacing chuckle.

"Shoot the boy." Xavier directed one of his men causing my heart to drop. I stood in front of Sebastian as a barrier but Jack took ahold of my arm pulling me away. 

"I told you I don't fucking know. She said goodbye and left." I screamed at Xavier trying to get out of Jacks hold, but the hold on my arm suddenly became stronger as one of Xavier's bulky men grabbed one of my arms pulling me back.

"One more time, I'm going to ask. Where is she?" Xavier now stood infront of me holding my face tightly, blocking my view of Sebastian, who was also held back by Xavier's men. 

"I told you. I do not know." I spat bringing my face even closer to Xavier. However Xavier was not tricked as he signaled one of the men holding Sebastian.

"Noooo." I screamed as a shot rang out. Sebastian dropped to the floor holding his leg which was shot.

"Where is she?" Xavier was losing his patience his hold on my face now becoming painful. Eyes becoming darker by the minute. I stopped the tears in my eyes from coming out as I matched Xavier's menacing look.

"He has nothing to do with this. I'm the one involved shoot me..."

"5..." Xavier sighed pulling away 

"I said I dont know..."

"4..." his voice boomed angrily, his gaze returning to mine


"I dont know where the Fuck she is."

"2..." Xavier chuckled shaking his head pulling the safety of the gun as he pointed the gun on Sebastian's head, his eyes taunting me.

"I guess it's goodbye." Xavier added calmly. He wasn't bluffing and just when he was about to pull the trigger and end Sebastian's life..

"Keflavik. Hringbraut. She's in Iceland " I screamed. Xavier smirked moving the gun away from Sebastian's head as he walked towards me. Grabbing my face he stroked my lips with his thumb his gaze following the movement of his thumb,causing me to turn away in disgust.

"petalo di rosa . If I find out that you lied. I will make you beg for mercy." Xavier whispered, his lips grazing my earlobe as I struggled to breakaway from his hold.

"I will use your fears against you." Xavier mumbled causing my stomach to drop in fear. Soon Xavier pulled away from me making his way outside the apartment, his men following behind him.


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