Old wounds

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I was beyond furious and curious as to  what Jack was going to tell me and I felt stupid for not acting like a cold hearted bitch in front of Jack and instead, let down my walls in front of Xavier.

"Fuck." I grumbled trying to figure a way out.

"Mam I'll escort you to your home. SIgnor's orders." My head snapped towards a tall,hunky and bald man. Raising my eyebrows I turned to look back noticing Xavier standing near the window sill, arms crossed looking handsomely intimidating. 

"Just tell me how far my house is. I'll walk." I added intimately causing the bald man to laugh.

"We are 5 hours away from London mam." I grumbled a curse following behind the man avoiding the sharp gaze of Xavier only a few feet away.I seated myself at the back as the driver drove off. My mind was till in a turbine, the drugs effect were not fully out of my system.

"How is Xavier's relationship with his brother?" I questioned after hours of silence in the car.

"They're inseparable. But recently there has been tension between the two..."

"So Jack's been visiting his brother quite often." I mumbled knowing well enough the answer to the question. 

I was boiling from anger as I reached my apartment. Even though I had nowhere to go I couldn't stand seeing Jack's face again. I halted to a stop once I saw who was outside the apartment. My dad stood with confidence as his gaze moved towards me. He wore a perfectly tailored suit flaunting his wealth. Ignoring his existence I walked to the apartment door unlocking it while ignoring his burning gaze.

"What do you want George?" silence. I didn't bother looking up or even acknowledging his existence. I was suddenly reminded of the memories I tried so hard to forget and bury deep within my mind.

"How are you,Row?" I scoffed at his endearing nickname and finally having the courage,I met his gaze with my own. 

" Why dont you ask the detectives you have following me around." I muttered bitterly a certain fierceness taking over me.

"You look just like your..."

"Don't." I hissed closing my eyes momentarily.

" Row..." I shoved his hand away angrily.

"Dont you dare call me that."

"I just want you to be safe." I applauded the man in front of me for keeping calm.

"What are you really here for."

"I'm trying to change. I've retired from my job so I can mend my relationship with my daughter. Please Rosa give me one chance I beg you." I smilled bitterly at George remembering how much pain he had put me through.

" Remember how you made me get on my knees and beg you to help me. Remember how you paid him to make my life a living hell so I could be stronger and independent. So I could be nothing like her. You hated her for leaving, so you broke the one person she left behind. Me. I'm a monster. I'm a monster because of you. I hate you. You're nothing to me. Not anymore." I pushed past him shoving myself inside the apartment, slamming the door shut. I stood still like a statue feeling the warm tears roll down my cheeks as I slid down onto the floor my back against the door. I was broken but this time I didn't have anyone by my side not even Jack.

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