Hold Me Down

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"Rosa what the fuck are you doing?" My eyes scrunched in confusion as a sudden figure of Sam appeared in front of me.

"I thought you're..."

"Dead." Samantha cut in casually.

"No..no this is a fucking dream you can't be alive." Samanthas smile dropped as her eyes narrowed on my hands which suddenly became bloody. Horrified- I began rubbing my hands on my trousers to get rid of the blood.

"You killed me. Its all your fault. You fucking killed me" I shook my head trying to wake up from the endless nightmare but suddenly Samantha had jumped on me violently, hands strangling my neck.  The beautiful and angelic features of Samantha turned bloody. 


"Rose." A sharp pain across my cheek jolted me from my sleep. My blurred vision focused on Jack, besides him stood his bold brother.

"You okay.."

"I'm fine." I cut in sharply quickly covering my shaking hands with the quilt. I was still at the hotel where Sam had killed herself and the very thought of it caused my stomach to turn. Images of the incident kept flashing through my mind.

"What the F**k happened." My eyes zeroed on Xavier's cold eyes. He knew what had happened, he wanted someone to tell him that, the love of his life didn't kill herself. 

"Where's Sebastian.."

"He'll be dead in a minute if you don't answer the damn question..."

"She f**king killed herself. She's dead." I began screaming, not wanting to believe what had happened. My breathing became uneasy and the colourful room soon became dark and empty. "You killed me." Samantha's voice rang in my head as a reminder. A reminder of the fact I had killed my own sister.

"Rose." Jack's voice rang out. 

"I can't. I can't do it." I sobbed my head pounding with pain.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Jacks comforting touch and voice made it feel just like old times and this time I let him into my maddening darkness.

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