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"You should ease up on the punching bag love." Thud.

"What are you doing this late in the gym anyways?" Thud Thud.

My breathing became uneven and heavy. My punches became harder and harder trying to get rid of all the overwhelming thoughts that clouded my mind. Sebastian was an old friend who owned a gym and let me train and workout often as well as Jack. Mostly I would only go late at night when I had too much in my mind and Sebastian would just watch. But this time Sebastian kept on asking question after question as if he knew what had just happened moments before I entered the gym.

" Was it your dad?" Silence. I slammed my head onto the punching bag as the memories of what happened came rushing back.

"It was...wasn't it.."

"Fu*k off Sebastian. I don't want to talk." I mumbled resuming my actions on the punching bag. However Sebastian being his stubborn self didn't listen and instead made his way to me pulling me away from the punching bag furiously.

"Sebastian...no...don't..stop it." I struggled to get out of his grip because of how exhausted I was both mentally and physically. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me down onto the floor. I struggled and soon the struggles became weaker as tears started to stream down my face I looked down at my knuckles and realised why Sebastian had pulled me away from the punching bag in the first place. The skin on my knuckles was blue and green and some of it begun peeling off and bleeding. I hadn't realised I wasnt wearing gloves until now. However I felt no pain as I looked at my knuckles. None at all.

"Shh." Sebastian tried to comfort me however his words did little to console my broken heart and soon realisation hit me as I pushed away from Sebastian's embrace rubbing my cheeks roughly. I had let my walls down in front of someone. I let him see right through me. My mind went turbulent. I felt pathetic and weak.

"Hey its fine. Its okay to cry..."

"No its not." I mumbled coldly staring back at Sebastian.

He was a handsome man I wouldn't deny it but he was too good for me. He wouldn't be able to handle my darkness. His smile was enchanting something that made you smile, His emerald eyes would stare at you as if they understood you and would get rid of your worries but Sebastian was a fairytale.Too good to be true.

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