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" Babe The things I'm going to do with you" I made a disgusted face before sending a hard punch to Jack's stomach causing him to wince.

"what your the one who said we were meant to be a young couple in love" Jack whispered in my ear with a smirk as we walked towards the entrance of the grand party full of mobsters and criminals.

"Your invitation" A brawny man spoke staring right through us. Soon enough I had grabbed Jack's hand getting into cover.

"Sweetheart you have the invitation right because I remember I gave it to you..."

"right here don't worry honey. " Jack spoke handing the invitation that I had duplicated. As soon as we were in the lavish house I was in awe at the extravagant interior of the house.

"That's him" Jack spoke motioning towards the target George Milling. Sighing I realised the bastard was no different from what the profile I had made on him. He was one revolting man his eyes travelled every woman's body with hunger causing a feeling of distaste to come over me.

"Are you sure you want..."

"Jack I've handled shit like him. He deserves to go to prison after what he's done to poor and vulnerable women. He thinks he's a predator but he hasn't met me." I spoke through gritted teeth as I stalked towards the vile man who got away from raping innocent girls. Grabbing a glass of champagne I swayed my hips soon catching his attention. I looked directly at him smiling sweetly as I took a seat on the bar stool. The key was for him to come to me it was the only way for him to trust me enough to take me to his room.

" so what is a beautiful girl like you doing at my party" he spoke taking a seat next to me as his eyes scanned my body.His teeth were crooked and his stomach was spilling out.

"Oh was here with my boyfriend but he is MIA" I spoke giggling. I needed to show him I was vulnerable and weak which seemed to be his tactic when attacking girls. The guy kept it low and went for girls who were desperate for money he fed on vulnerability and I was giving him just that.

"I don't really like parties they make me nervous" I spoke nervously smiling as my eyes scanned the room for Jack.

"well, how about you wait for your boyfriend in one of the rooms upstairs it's really quiet no one would hear a thing."

Soon enough I was following him to a room knowing what was going to happen next.

"I um...can I use the bathroom" I spoke George's face was too close to my likings. As soon as I got to the bathroom I clipped the mic and camera to my dress, making sure it was not prominent.Looking up in the mirror I saw fieriness in my eyes, I wanted this man to go to jail and I had to make sure of it.

"here goes" I sighed before walking out of the toilet only to be pushed violently against the wall.

"you're quite a tease aren't you sweetheart." I tried pushing the man of which didn't work so I did what any girl would do in this situation I aimed for his dick.

"Bitch" he howled in pain grabbing my waist harshly.

"please don't" I spoke sobbing refraining myself from punching the bastard senselessly. I knew anger was the key to breaking him and I was doing exactly that.

"you think I haven't heard that before. They all scream for me to stop but I know what they want." George snarled as he started kissing my neck.

"what" I spoke knowing exactly what he meant.

"there all innocent at the beginning but I take it all away. They think the police would help them but they don't know that money could do many things like hiding evidence." George spoke anger evident in his eyes as I tried to refrain myself from him.

"you bastard" I spoke sending a good blow towards his nose as I moved away from him.

" I hope you rot in Prison" George was angrier than ever but he didn't know how much shit he just got himself in.

"How you may ask. Well, George, your whole conversation was recorded and that's not it because I have all the videos that you supposedly destroyed you rapping Emilia porter. Remember her. Yeah, bastard you're going to jail and there's no stopping you." I snarled sending another punch towards his stomach

"Oh, and the police would be here any minute" I spoke mockingly tilting my head observing Georges panic look as he tried to make a run for it.

"adios fucker" I spoke jumping out of the window

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