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My feet seemed to move on their own as I rushed towards the kitchen grabbing a towel and a bowl, filling it with water. At first I blamed myself. I had given the location of a dear friend, who was like a sister and Sebastian could have been killed by Xavier. I looked at my trembling hands as I sighed trying to control my breathing.

"Rose." His voice was a whisper at first. My breathing seemed to quicken even more as I tried to control the thoughts in my head.

"Rose I'm Okay." Sebastian limbed towards me, his face scrunching in pain with each step. holding my shaking hands, Sebastian gently grabbed my face: diverting my gaze from my hands to his serene eyes.We stood for a few minutes forehead to forehead as I tried to calm myself down.

"I'll stitch it up." I pulled away motioning towards Sebastian's injured leg. Sebastian nodded slowly as if his head was getting too heavy to carry. Using my shoulder for support, I carried his heavy weight to the sofa.

"Just so you know. Its going t hurt. Alot." I mumbled ripping the fabric around the wound, Sebastian didn't bother replying. I pressed the towel tightly on his leg, preparing myself for the surgery. I washed my hands with the alcohol and suddenly inserted my two fingers into the wound to retrieve the bullet.

"Fuck." Sebastian gritted causing me to mumble a quick apology. 


"What are you going to do?"Sebastian questioned knowingly well enough my answer.

"You need to rest."

"If you had your medicine then.."

"It fucks me up even more. I get hallucinations...of...him." I shouted snapping my head back to Sebastian's lying figure on the sofa. His eyes widened and mouth opened to speak but snapped back like a fish. I scoffed crouching down near Sebastian, my hands grabbing my head as I tried to forget memories of the monster.

"You should have told me. We could go to Dr.Jones...He'll subscribe you new medicine." 

"And what Sebastian. I'm Fucked in the head. No medicine can fix it. Soon you'll give up like everyone else and just walk away. Its fine anyways I'm used to it." I turned my gaze to Sebastian waiting for the expression everyone gives me- pity, but I got none. Sebastian stared at me, his eyes promising to not leave.

"I miss your smile." Sebastian chuckled staring up at the ceiling admiringly, remembering the best memories we shared together.

"Our mums thought we would get married when we got older. They were planning everything and would scrunch your face everytime as if the very idea disgusted you but I loved the very idea." Sebastian almost whispered in a hushed tone.I moved off the sofa sitting directly opposite Sebastian's face, his face turning to me a smile blossoming his face.

"Remember our secret code..." I mumbled

"cuckoo cuckoo." we both mimicked in unison, Sebastian chuckle fondly as a smile crept onto my face. Our gazes locked, Sebastian's hand gently stroking my cheeks. It was like the old times. I felt safe and sane, Sebastian's touch calming my turbulent mind and soon Sebastian gently plassed his lips onto mine ,but the uncanny thing was I didnt feel distraught or frightened. Sebastian was the only person who's touch felt safe. 

But I knew this moment was too good to be true.

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