*thirty eight

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Lisa's p.o.v

I woke up in the hospital. "its about damn time." whoever the voice came from it wasn't Jason. when they lifted up I was surprised. "Mrs. stokes, you cussed." "you've been out for three days. I was afraid you'd never wake up. everyone including Jason is going crazy." I heard his name and started to remember what happened to him. "Jason? where is he? is he okay? how bad is he hurt?" I started freaking out. "stop rambling" someone on the other side of the curtain demanded. "why don't you just shut up?" I snapped back. "cause i got shot." they answered when the curtain got pulled back. "JASEY!" i yelled reaching for him. the cast on my leg and pain in my ribs stopped me from reaching any farther. "lisa you have a broken leg and five broken ribs. you can't get out of that bed unless to use the bathroom." mrs. stokes said taking that motherly tone. "thats what you get for standing in front of a truck you idiot." zoey snapped from jasons side of the room. i grabbed the first thing my hand touched and threw it.

jason's p.o.v

lisa nailed zoey in the head with a plastic water pitcher and all hell broke loose. zoey tried to jump over my bed and knocked something over and lisa rolled off her bed to get to zoey. mrs. stokes went after zoey and nick went for lisa. "ZOEY! go walk it off." nick yelled at her. "Lisa. dont you ever throw another damn thing at my daughter or you'll be back in the system." nick threatened. he shot me a look knowing i had something to say. "actually nick i wont. and i wont be going home with you either. i turned eighteen yesterday." she lied. we both knew she was just a few weeks younger than me. but she was right on one thing, her birthday was yesterday.

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