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We arrive at the portal and Jack just stands in front of the portal momentarily.

"Both of you go to heaven." He advises us.

"What? It's a part of my duty to be by your side!" I complain.

"That's an order Elsa." Jack says with some sternness in his tone, like his patience is running out with me.

'he's really afraid'

"You lack confidence in protecting me, am I right?" I reveal, "Listen Jack, it's really not necessary to protect me, but I believe in you Jack, because I know how much you care, knowing that I know you will protect me efficiently." 

Shuei pulls on my clothing, "You know how dangerous Jaspar is ..."

I visualize the young Jaspar and I can see how he was so insecure, I think I understand who he is.

"Running away and protecting are both different things." I add and I look to the back of Jack's head and I have a glimpse of part of his face and it seems like he is wavering.

"I'm going back to DunBroch. Goodbye Jack and Elsa." Shuei farewells us, "I'll be seeing you guys ... soon." 

He hesitates slightly before entering into the portal.

Shuei seems like he wanted to go to Hell, but he seems like he's struggling with what he will see and expect. 

That was once me, scared to go into the depths of Hell and experience the complete opposite. Hell was one of the darkest nightmares, but my time in Hell has opened my eyes to see how corrupt my society is. 

However, I am not scared, not anymore.

 "Elsa ..." Jack calls me and I glance at his back and he continues, "Let's go."

My face lit up and I stand beside him and we both enter the portal to go into Hell. 

We appear in front of the "Gate of Hell", the Hell's embers and thick embers ... relieve me as I stare at this very place and smile. 

How can a place that I once feared so much, become so familiar I even regard it as a home?

"Welcome back, Prince Jack." The Gatekeeper greets him, "It seems that the royalty lineup is present at Hell excluding well- you know who."

"Hmm? That means- Jaspar is here and returned a long time ago." Jack says in alarm and shock then whispers to himself, "Shuei mentioned a 'paladin'. I just hope that Jenx helped me out."

I was confused in what Jack was muttering, it made no sense. 

I continue to walk on the path that leads to the Palace. 

"Stop." Jack halts me, "Jaspar probably has a scheme in mind, you told me not to act on emotions so I'm thinking rationally like you said."

I turn to him and I get a glimpse of his eyes, but he quickly turns away.

"So let's see what he has in store for you." I suggest, "Um ... from all the things I've heard about it, it seems like he wants to communicate to you that he has the upper hand. Remember Jack, you are more powerful then him, you have more authority. Don't let him sway you, is what I meant."

I see Jack, remain in the same position and I see a slight nod.

"It seems like it's true." The Gatekeeper comments, "You and your servant is engaged in a unlawful relationship?"

"You halfwit!" Jack lashes out, "What gave you that idea?"

The Gatekeeper gets on his knees and crouches down on his hands and feet, bowing his head, "Forgive me your majesty, all these allegations are rumors sourced through the paper of 'Hell Daily'."

... Who would do this? Without proof?

"This article ... who wrote it?" Jack asks.

"I believe his name is Kiryan, and located nearby the slums." He tells him.

"... Gatekeeper, would you fetch us hoods to conceal our identities, and stand up." Jack orders the Gatekeeper, and he stands up and bows his head as he suddenly teleports away for a minute and returns with two hoods for us to wear.

 We put them on the brown hood cloaks and we walk through the market. But Jack stops at a particular stall, selling newspapers.

Jack grabs one and takes of his hood to speak to the seller. "Close this down, by the authority of your Prince."

The elderly aged seller shakes her head, "No can do, this stall is royalty invested."

"Do you intend to go against your Prince?" Jack furiously repeats, "If you refuse I will remove this stall by force."

"I'm not afraid of you Prince, I still remember you as a young one. Even if you are older, you lack the qualities of being Hell royalty." The seller speaks back.

Jack's eyes widen and he grits his teeth, his pure black eyes appear, "I'm through with that bullshit!" 

Dark energy is growing from his hands and he flings his power onto her wooden stall, and the seller falls onto her back, trembling. 

The time I finally come into contact to Jack's face, he glares at the woman. He seemed the scariest, I've never seen this look.

His eyes seemed like a black hole you can be sucked into, he was terrifying.

Even if he was under control by a Captotrix, it could never replicate an expression as scary as that.

The Fallen Angel; Jelsa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now