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Malcom's PoV
"Baby I know you don't want to wake up but you have to" I say shaking her "I'm scared I don't want to see him again" she cries and I pull her close to me. "I'll be there, he won't hurt you" I say and she nods.

I slide out of bed and go round and pick her up and carry her to the shower and unchanged her and get in the shower. I wash her hair and body. I wrap her in a white fluffy towel and lean her back into the bedroom. "What you wanna wear" I ask "black" she says and I pick out some black jeans and black top for her to wear. I help her get changed. "Thong or panties" I ask her "thong" she muffled and I grab a pair and slide them up her legs and put on her pants. she gets a Jacket and covers up her whole body and breaks down. "Shhhh I'm here baby" I say pulling her into a hug.

We both go and get Alisha out of bed and we get a knock on the door and it was Joan, I hand Alisha to her as Ariana just wanted to be in my arms. We get in the taxi and it drives away "I can't baby" she cries "ill be here, you can baby" I say and bring her close to me.

We arrive out the court and I hold Ariana's hand and she takes her baby girl. "Mummys going to get better I promise" she whispers and it makes me smile a little "Mummys not been a good mummy I'm sorry" she whispers "Ariana your the best mummy that she could ask for" I but in and she nods and hands her back. We both kiss her forehead before Joan takes her to sit down.

I pull her into a hug "Can I have a kiss" she ask "of course you don't have to ask" I say before placing my lips on here's and share a short but sweet kiss.

"Ariana you have to come through now"  one of the officers says "baby please" she says and I kiss her forehead "it will be over soon I promise" I say and she nods and follows the officer and I go and sit down next to Joan.

Ariana POV
I stand in the podium and I see him and the memories come back. I get asked a few questions. "Ariana is it true that this man tried to rape you" they ask "yes" I clearly reply. I get asked loads of questions and they ask him questions.

I stand awkwardly as he smiles at me every so often making me feel disgusted. "Did you try and rape her" they ask "no" he says and my whole world just came crashing down around me once again "we have video prof of you watching the girls in the shower" they say "no I dont" he reply's and I run out dodging every police officer that tried to hold me back.

Malcom's PoV
I see Ariana run off and I run out to go and find her. I see her go in the bathroom and I knock on the door. She gently opens in and falls into my arms. "Shhhhhhh" I rub her back. "How can he say he didn't" she cries and I walk her over to the chairs and pull her on to my lap. "He's not worth it Baby, he hurt you we all saw and thats enough for him to get sent down they know what he did don't worry" I say and she nods.

"Ariana you really have to come back in" the officer sag bending down next to us. "I don't want to see him" she says "I wanna stay with Malcom" she says "I'll ask if it's possible" she says and I nod.

She comes back and collects us both. I hold her hand and I get asked questions and I answer truthfully.

He got guilty and Ariana relaxes into me and we meet Joan and Ariana runs and takes her baby girl and I smile. I go over and bring her into a hug and we both cuddle each other with Alisha in the middle.

I take them home and we cuddle up on the sofa for the rest of the day with Alisha before we decided to go to bed.

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