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Malcom's PoV
Just like that my two day at home we over and I was kissing my beautiful wife's face goodbye. She was crying goodbyes are always hard but even harder for us because we just want to be together but we can't. Work sucks sometimes just because I have to be away.

I give her a hug before walking away and getting in the taxi. She stood at the door and watched the car move away and it broke my heart, to see her crying and I couldn't do anything about it.

The car journey was quiet and consisted of me looking out the window until we arrive back at the work place. "Malcom good to have you back" the boss says "a pleasure to be back" I lie but he bought it.

I make my way to my bunk and everyone comes and hugs me like I have been gone weeks when it's only been 2 days. "How was your girl" they were asks "she was so happy to see me" I say and they cheers "did you show her you love her" they were asking they are so nosey "yes I did" I say and they cheer again.

I put my phone on charge after saying goodnight to Ariana and we sit and talk for hours about what I did with her and the present I got her and just little things and How things were around here.

Ariana's PoV
Watching Malcom leave, was the worst thing I had to do. I go back inside and get changed into some pyjamas that he brought me for my birthday and lie in bed.

The bed still smells of him and I cry. This 2 years needs to go fast.

I look at the wardrobe and there's a box. I get out of bed a little confused because I don't remember putting a box there. I grab it and it was red with a bow around it. I sit back in the bed and and open the box and I gasp. I read the note first.

Dear sweetest Ariana,
I know I was with you but I wanted something to you to open after I have gone. You've always told me that you wanted them and here I have got them. I'm counting down the day for me to hold you to sleep forever and protect you. I hope you like them and sleep well goodnight princess ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I look at the shoes and my heart melts. I try them on and I love them. I put them in the box and slide them under my bed before falling into a deep sleep.

When I wake up in the morning I send Malcom a thank you. I didn't expect a reply since the boss was strict on phone during the day.

I get out of bed and have a shower, and clean my body. I get changed into some gym gear before making my way to the gym. I work out for a little while until the burn got too much. On my way home I got a Starbucks and some food since I hadn't eaten anything since I had woken up.

I made my way to my mums and talk to her and have a catch up because we hardly see each other because of she's busy with Frankie and giving us the best life we could have. I mean she's doing a great job I love my life apart from my husband works away.

Malcom's PoV
"Sir you have been emailed tasks get them done before the end of the day before I regret letting you go home" the boss says "okay" I say and get to work. I would dread to think about his mood if I don't and he would never let me have my phone for the next 2 years that I'm here.

These tasks are getting harder and I have so much to do in 4 hours there's no way I'm gonna finish. I work so hard and I mange to finish but he gave me more tasks and I get in with them. I wanted to sleep, but he wouldn't let me he's not that nice.

It got to 10 and he let me go with just one task outstanding. I get in the rock solid bed and fall asleep. Ariana's beds so much comfier than this.

I want a family and I wish I could start one now but I have to wait a few years until I can and that's too long. I've never wanted to be an old dad I wanted to be a young dad but this job took over my life and I wish i never went for it. I wish i went for a job where I could stay home and go home to my wife every night.

If I really wanted to go home that bad I would have to quit but that would make it really bad for me getting another job because the boss will tell everyone that I quit because I wanted to stay home.

"Malcom" my room mates say "yh" I ask confused "you've been out for a while are you okay" they ask, I've only been gone from her a day and I wanted to see her again. "Just thinking" I say "about your wife" they ask and I nod and they all come and hug me. They know how much I miss her and they help me get through it when the boss is being horrible to me about her.

It was getting late and we all decided to get some rest "Hey Malcom how about we all start doing overtime so that this job is over faster and you can go home to her" they say as we all lie down "that would be great but you don't have to do that, this job is suppose to take 5 years and we got it cut to 3 and one year has passed and I only have 2 left" I say "we want to we want to go home too and we can still see each other" they say "oka only if you want to" I say and they nod "waking up an 7 to start tasks" they says and I nod before drifting off to sleep.

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