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Malcom's PoV
"Morning beautiful" I say and she opens her eyes "Morning" she says "r you sure your going to be alright if I go back to work" I ask her and she nods "I'll be fine" she says and I kiss her lips "I really don't wanna leave you but I know if I leave it any longer I'm gonna get killed by the boss" I say and she nods "I know I know" she says and I kiss her lips and get out of bed and put my clothes back on that Ariana had kindly washed. They smelt like home.

I get the taxi back to the work place. I arrive and I get greeted by everyone.

"Malcom my office" the boss says nicely and I nod and follow him into his office. This could just ruin my mood. "How is she" he asks generally concerned "she's alright, but she's pregnant" I say and he smiles "that's great news" he says with a smile on him face. I was really confused he's never normally this nice to me even when I am on his good side. "Thank you" I say "Malcom your dismissed I expect work done today Malcom" he says "of course sir"I say and go and sit at my desk.

I get to work.

Ariana POV
I fall back asleep after Malcom left because I was so tired and I had nothing better to do.

"Get out of bed you lazy ass" my brother comes in saying and I groan. "Fine" I sign and slide out of bed putting on teeshirt. "How are you and that baby doing" he ask with a massive grin. "The baby's fine but I miss Malcom already" I say and he comes and hug me. "Everything's gonna be fine Ariana" he says and I nod and we walk back downstairs.

I spend the day sat on the sofa with my brothers company. He was really the best company when your upset because he makes me laugh, I used to wake up laughing when I was younger because he's really funny. He's also my role model, he's taught me so much and I like that. We hardly fight because we are the same human being just a different gender.

He tells me everything about him and I tell him everything I'm not ashamed to tell him, he doesn't mind he listens to me which makes me feel like I will always have someone to talk to.

I think he's more excited than me about this baby, don't get me wrong I've always wanted a baby but I'm gonna have to bring it up alone for a year because Malcom has to work. I know i can't have him all the time but I don't think I'll cope bring it up for the year on my own.

I have been pregnant for 4 weeks and I'm already stressing about when it's here and it's not even near yet.

Malcom's PoV
The work day was over pretty fast and we were all sat in out room talking. "So how was your week with your wife" they ask "it was alright she's out of hospital" I say and they smile "what's wrong with her" they ask. "She pregnant" I says and they all congratulate me "thank you" I say "Malcom you look upset what's wrong" Fred asks "I've always said I wanted kids but I would never leave the mum to deal with it all alone and we have another year after she's due" I say "I'm sorry" they say and hug me. "I feel bad saying this because you've left your kids and I'm acting like it's such a big deal" I say "Malcom I don't want you to feel upset but leavening your kid is always hard. I hardly left my billy was a baby but I'm sure that everything will place out, your not being stupid your being genuine, no one should have to bring up a new born baby by themselves" he says "I know" I sigh.

After a good few hours of talking with them all we all decided that it was best to go to sleep. My first night with out Ariana knowing she's pregnant broke my heart I want to be able to help her heal and help her get through this and I can't because of this stupid job.

I hardly slept I think I woke up every hour, I couldn't stop think of Ariana, she could cause harm to herself, she was stressed before about telling me about the fact she was pregnant let alone the fact she has to deal with this all alone. I don't even get to see how she develops with the bump let alone see my baby grow up the first year.

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