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Malcom's PoV
We all wake up to the boss talking outside our door to someone and we all stay quiet as if we're weren't there because we couldn't be bothered with him shouting.

We quietly change and we open the door and be smiles at us, I swear he's going to the gym because he's loosing weight.

We sit for breakfast before going to the desk and getting on with the work. Well I finished early and decided to do some online shopping, I brought Alisha loads of clothes that I sent to be delivered to The house. It would be a nice surprise for Ariana.

The boss comes out of his office with a smile on his face "I'm going out tonight and I expect everything to be as it is and not broken when I come back" he says and we all nod. This was so unusual of the boss, he never leaves us alone and he never goes out. "Do you think he has a girl" Kev asks "if he does I wanna meet her so I can thank her for making him change." I say and they laugh.

When we were aloud to leave the work room I got called into the bosses office. "Malcom I want to know about this baby of yours" he says making me relax I thought I had done something wrong. "The baby's good" I say "what's the name" he asks "Alisha" I say and she smiles "that's a beautiful name" he says and I smile. I liked this side of him, the caring side. I show him a photo of her and he smiles. "Right I'll let you get back to the room" he says and I nod and I walk out and into the bedroom.

"What did he want you for" they ask "he was asking about Alisha" I say and they relax too I think they thought I was in trouble to. You only ever get sent to the office if your in trouble or somethings happened at home.

Ariana POV
I was sat on the sofa eating a bowl of fruit with Alisha in the bouncer, I know she's a bit too young for that but she was quiet and that's all it took for me to put her in there. If I ever had another child I would make sure it's when Malcom is home for good. I do suppose I have got use to it but I still want him around. I know that's greedy, I am so excited to go down and see him though.

I turn on the tv and watch what ever was on even though it wasnt really interesting.

Malcom begins to FaceTime and I accept.

"Hey baby" I answer with a smile "hey hunny hows Alisha" he asks and I switch the camera to show him "aww what a cutie" he say and it makes me smile. "How's your day been" I ask "the boss is going out and he's in a good mood so it was an alright day he even asked about Alisha" he says and I smile. "Wtf that noise" I ask "think" he says and I nod and make and oh with my mouth. Alisha starts crying and I get up and grab her. "Do you want me to leave you alone" Malcom asks "nah it's fine I wanna speak to you" I say and lift up top and Alisha attaches her moth on to my breast. "How is Alisha" he asks "she's fine" I say with a smile. "Omg wow" I hear someone behind Malcom and he turn around "sorry" Malcom says "it's alright" I say with a smile "I've just exposed you it's not" he says looking sad "Malcom it's natural for women's to breastfeed kids" I say and he sighs.

After about 3 hours on the phone we decided that it would be a good idea to hang up because I was shattered.

Malcom PoV
"Kev you idiot" I shout "hey man I'm sorry" he says with an apologetics look. "You didn't have to publicly let her know you saw like comon it's my girl" I say "look man I'm sorry i shouldn't have been looking at your phone" Kev says and I nod.

"How your wife doing alone with Alisha" they ask "she said she's fine" I say but I couldn't help but well up I should be there with her to help her. "You'll soon be with her" they say "I know but babies are more hard work" I say and the nod and sigh.

We all decided that it was a good idea to go to sleep.

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