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Ariana POV
"Mummy please" I cry down the phone "Ariana I'm on my way" she says and the phone cuts dead. I was having the baby I swear. I needed to call Malcom but I couldn't the pain was too much.

My mum comes through the bedroom door and sees me on the floor. "Oh my Ariana, we need to get you to hospital" she says calling an Ambulance, I wasn't due for 3 weeks so it was early. "Ariana you have got to breathe" she says and I try and breathe in and out calmly. She gets me some water and makes me drink. "I need Malcom" I cry "I'll call him" she says and I nod.

"Ahhhh" I scream, I've never been in so much pain in my life. "He won't answer I'll try again in 5 minutes" she says getting a damp flannel and putting it on my head "I can't give birth with out him please mummy"I cry "okay okay shhhh I'll get in contact somehow." She reply's rubbing my back.

The ambulance came and my mum was trying to get in contact with him and he finally answered.

Malcom's PoV
It was a normal day, life was boring and I was just doing work. I do suppose that working with people you like helps pass the day. I see that Joan keeps calling me and I kept missing it and I answer. "Joan is everything okay" I ask "no" she was cut off "I can't please" I hear Ariana scream "is she having the baby" I ask "yes and she needs you here please try and come" she begs "I'll try" I say and hand up and go to the bosses office.

I knock on the door "come in" the boss says and I walk in "Malcom is everything alright" he asks at my panicked face "Ariana's having the baby" I say "a taxis out side use that on, I will get Kev another one" he says "thank you" I say and run out saying goodbye and that the next time they see me I will actually be a dad.

I get the taxi and they take me to a hospital I had nothing on my but my phone. I arrive at the hospital "who are you here to see" they asks "Ariana McCormick" I say "and you are" they ask "Malcom mccormick" I say and they take me to the room.

"I'm not giving fucking birth with out Malcom"I hear Ariana scream and I walk in and he face lights up. "Thank god your here"she says and I grasp her hand. "I'm sorry" I say and I kiss her forehead. "Ariana your 5cm nearly there" the nurse says "it hurts baby" Ariana cries "I know baby" I say and she squeezes my hand.

"When did she start contractions" I ask "I'm not sure I got a call her begging me to go round and she was on the floor in the bedroom crying" Joan's says and I nod.

After another 3 hours of Ariana in pain and waiting ready for the baby to come out it was time. "Right Ariana, it's time to push your gonna push on 3 okay" and Ariana nods "1...2...3.." Ariana squeezes my hand as she pushes while screaming. "And again "1...2...3" she pushes "the heads here one more Ariana come on you can do it" the nurse says and the baby was out and Ariana catches her breath.

"Well done princess" I say to her and kiss her hand. "Thank you for being here" she says and I cut the umbilical cord and the baby is passed to Ariana. "Congratulations its a girl" the nurse says and I smile "another little princess to spoil" I say and everyone smile. Me and Ariana were crying. Crying of happiness I actually couldn't believe the fact I was a daddy.

"So what you gonna call her" they ask "Alisha Rose McCormick" Ariana says "that's perfect" I say and kiss her forehead. Ariana passes me the cute little baby and I cradle her.

We get her dressed and we take some photos. I got one with Ariana and Alisha, Alisha and Ari, me and Alisha, me and Ari.

This was one of the best moments in my life.

Ariana POV
I couldn't believe that I had just given birth to a innocent little baby. I was so glad Malcom was here as well. I couldn't be happier. A beautiful husband and a beautiful baby girl that's all I could ask for well apart from the fact I want Malcom to be home as well.

Alisha starts crying and I lift up my top and give her milk. Malcom stayed beside me while everyone else went for food. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier" he says "Malcom it's fine you were here when she was born and that's all I could ask for, I was scared you wouldn't make it" I say and he kisses my forehead and I smile.

I pass Alisha to Malcom and he holds her and the smile that he is giving her tells me that he's going to be the best dad in the world.

"Malcom please don't cry" I say and place my hand on his thigh "I can't help it's she's beautiful, your beautiful and I'm never here" he says "he's adding another year" he blurts out and the room went silent the thought of not having him around for another 2 years scared me. I couldn't be away from him any longer but I knew I had to and that broke my heart.

"Baby it's alright" I say trying to calm him down. "The minute I found out you were pregnant I wanted to be with you but I can't and this beautiful pure souls deserves way better than not to see her father in 2 years" he says and I know how he's feeling.

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