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Ariana POV
I was walking around the house with Alisha screaming, I had given up trying to shut her up she can cry all she wants she been fed and changed and I have tried everything but she wouldn't shut up.

I make my self a drink and have a drink and I eat some toast. My mum comes in making me jump "what's up with this little one" my mum asks "no idea" I say bouncing her in my hip. "Pass her here" my mum say "if she shuts up I swear i will scream" I say and pass her over.

"What on earth have you done with her" My mum asks "she's been like this for 3 hours" I say and she nods. I take her off my mum and place her in the cot and give her the comfort blanket and within 10 minutes she shuts up and I smile.

I sit down with my mum and cuddle into her. "Ariana your just stressing" she says and I nod "I know I am, I can't wait to see him mum" I say "I know you can't" she says and I smile a little.

"Who's having Alisha"'I ask "both me and Karen" she says and I nod.

1 week to go until I could be in his arms. That's the day I will be happy and I get a relax and I know it sound bad but a week with no crying.

Malcom's PoV
We didn't have to work today we got told we had to clean. "Inspection in 2 hours" the boss shouts and we all sigh. "Bagsy not hoovering" I say "I'll get the sheets" Kev says "I'll hoover" rob says and we chuckle and I change the sheets and and take them to the laundry room and put them on.

"Anyone need some clothes washing" I ask and they all chuck me there clothes. I put them in and the washing machine and put it one. When it was done I put it in the dryer with freshener.

I walk back into the room and they were all still cleaning. I go and help make my bed and the floor was visible. I hand everyone their clean dry clothes and they put away. "Your wife's calling" Kev says "what is it with you and looking at my phone" I laugh. "I'll answer it later" i say and they nod.

We all finish and the room looked like it did when we first came to this place. "Out the room now" he says hook in with a box. I actually wanted to know what was in it.

"What's in the box" I ask Kev "fuck knows" he whispers back.

"Very well don't guys" he says coming back out and we all go back in. "What did he put in" we ask "I got condoms" Will says making us laugh. "I got a flower" Kev says rolling his eyes "Malcom what did you get" they asks "nothing" I say and they all look at me. "Am I bothered, no he can fuck off, I'm getting to see my girl in a next week I don't wanna start an argument" I say and they nod. "Wait I got lotion" Brian says and we all start laughing. "Mac what's on your shelf" Kev asks "i got ear plug" I say. We all laugh for a while.

Ariana POV
Malcom declined my call but it just meant he was busy. I wasn't really bothered, Well I was but I do understand.

Alisha was in her bouncer, she loved her bouncer, she giggles every time I put her in it and it's cute.

I send Malcom a photo since she looked really cute.

I make my self some food and a drink since I hadn't really eaten anything all day and I was feeling a little light headed, I put that down to lack of water and food.

I sit on the couch speaking with Alexa, I haven't really since her in a while but we were definitely  going to meet up all soon. She was desperate to see Alisha yh she had seen picture but it's always better face to face.

The door bell rings and I get up and answer it and sign for the parcel and take it back to the living room. I notice Alisha was asleep in the bouncer, I slowly lift her out and place her in the Moses basket that was in living room.

I get a pair of scissors and open the box gently and place the scissors away before I forget and Alisha gets hold of them. I look what's in it and it's clothes for Alisha and I smile, I knew I hadn't ordered them which means Malcom did and it was sweet.

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