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Malcom's PoV
I wake up and Ariana is awake smiling at me. I smile back because I liked seeing her smile. "Baby" she says "yes sweetheart" I ask "I love you" she says and I kiss her soft sweet lips.

"Malcom" Kev comes and sits on the bed and Ariana sits up "what's up Kev" I ask "the boss is acting strange again, he's in his office having like an attack on his body, shouting and ranting" he says and Ariana grips my arm "I told you there was something about him" she says hiding "it's okay we will sort this" I say "baby noooo" she says "baby trust me" I say and she nods.

I get off the bed and walk out with Kev "Sophie will you watch Arian for us" kev asks and she nods nd goes on the room. Them two had a really close bond.

We look at him in his office and we both share a look. I knock on the door "is everything okay" I ask "fucking fucked up prick" he mutters and we shut the door he's gone physco.

Ariana POV
Sophie came and sat with me and we spoke. "Does he seem wired to you" I ask and she nods "he's seems very wired" she says and I nod.

"Can I see some photos of your baby girl" she asks and I nod. I grab my phone and show her photos and videos of her "she's beautiful" she's says and I smile "she looks like her daddy" I say "she's does" she says.

We spent a few hours talking and Malcom comes in and he smiles at us. "Hey you 2" he says coming and sitting with us. The other girls come in and sit with us and Malcom says goodbye.

We all get to know each other which was nice, we were like a big family which sound really wired.

"It's wired how he's let us come after 3 years" Daisy say "I said that" I say and they all nod.

Malcom's PoV
We weren't working we were all just watching how the boss was reacting, it was really wired. "What you things happens" I ask "I don't know he's never acted like this" they say and I nod.

We all go back to the girls and there all having a slumber party it looks like. "Hey" they say as we walk in and we all go and sit with them "How are our favourite people doing" we say getting on the bed with them.

We spent the rest of the day talking until it was time to go to bed.

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