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Malcom's PoV
Months have pasted and I needed sleep but the team were determined to get this job done. We all had wives  and some had children. I felt sorry for the people that were away from there children. I would never leave my child I would quit then because I would want to be in my child's life.

"Office now Malcom" the boss comes in ranting and raving at me and the team look at me worried. I get up and walk to the office and he sits me down. "I would like you to go and pack" he says "what why" I ask and he sighs "your wife's in hospital" he says and my heart stops "a car is outside ready for you, I want you to go and be with her because I know how much she means to you, you still get paid for your leave but I expect you back when she's at least out of hospital or even well" he says and I nod. "Go and pack" he says and I stand up and walk toward the team and they all ask my What's happened "Arianas in hospital I have to go and be with her Im coming back he's making me" I say and they all hug me "text us when you know why she's in hospital we want you to be alright stay safe" they say and I nod and grab my phone and everything from my safe and walk to the taxi.

The driver took me home to drop my stuff off and then to the hospital I arrived and Joan and my mum were there to meet me "omg Malcom" they says and I sit down "what happened" I ask and they look down " she was stressing her self out and couldn't deal with being away and she passed out" they says and my heart broke it's me the reason she in here because I'm away.

I hold her hand tightly and she opens her eyes "baby" she says and I nod "why didn't you tell me" I ask "you were away and I couldn't you needed to stay" she says and I kiss her forehead. "Mum have you told him" she asks and I'm super confused "no I had to wait for you to tell him I thought it was right" her Mum says. Before Ariana could say any thing she had fallen back to sleep.

"Is it something bad" I ask "I don't know which way you'll take it" she says and I sigh and place my head on the bed next to her and close my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep because I get woken up by Arianas hands running over my head. "Baby" I say and look at her and kiss her forehead.

"Can I ask what you need to tell me" I ask and she nods "I don't want you to start to panic because I don't want you to. You still need to go back to work to finish this trip, I know after you hear this news you'll want to stay with me but I'll be fine until you can hold me close. Finishing your trip will be a mission accomplished and I don't want you to turn back now."she says "baby are you okay please tell me your okay, I can't loose you please"I say-and she places a gentle kiss to my forehead "I'm not going to die baby I'm fine" she says and I smile and look at her "what is it then" I ask "your gonna be a dad" she says and my face lights up "omg" I say with a smile on my face. I kiss her lips and a tear leaks my eyes. "I've always wanted to be a daddy" I say and she smiles "I know, I wish I could have told you a better way" she says and I hug her.

Ariana POV
Telling Malcom that I was pregnant was nerve racking, I have been getting stressed lately about telling him, I couldn't tell him over the phone that wasn't right and he never gets time of but if I left it he would be angry because he would work out when I had a bump. I was planning to tell him after the scan to FaceTime him and show him but unfortunately I passed out and he's here with me now.

"Ariana do you want the baby" he asks "yes I do" I say confused on why Malcom just asked that question "can I ask why have you been stressing yourself out then" he asks holding my hand. "Finding out a way to tell you" I say and he chuckles. To be honest it was something I would do. I constantly stress myself out about telling Malcom things because I don't want him to worry about me even more than he already does.

I actually called his boss the minute I woke up in hospital to ask if Malcom could come because I was in hospital and he was really nice and said of course he can do i kind of knew he was coming but it's still a nice surprise every time he comes home which isn't every often.

The nurse comes in with a scan and puts cold gel on my stomach and bring up a picture of a barely visible baby but there was something there which was a nice thought.

"I love you so much" he says kissing my lips "I love you 2 baby" I say and he smiles. "Mrs McCormick you can go home" the nurse says and I smile "you need to relax and not get really stressed because it can cause harm to the baby" she says and I nod. I get helped of the bed by Malcom and he carries me to the car not that I needed it.

"Will you stay with me tonight" I ask "of course" he says with a smile "how long have you got until you have to go back" I ask "he said until your out of hospital" he says and I sink. "I wish I could be with you" he says.

He carries me to bed and he lies me down and he gets in next to me and cuddles me and I cry.

Malcom's PoV
I feel Ariana shaking against me and I roll her over to look at me "Hey don't cry" I say "it feels good to be in your arms" she says and I kiss her lips. "I miss this 2" I say and kiss her lips again and she falls asleep.

I stay awake for hours and think about the baby that's growing inside Ariana.

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