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Malcom's PoV
Today was my beautiful girls birthday and I couldn't believe that it was another year with out her and a year I could show her how much I love her on her birthday. I wanted to shower her with present but how can I do that when we're miles apart.

I know all relationships have moments when your not together 24/7 but 2 years is a long time to be apart but there was only 2 years left until she was mine.

She deserves so much more than what I have give her, I'm trying to give her the best life but we're apart I can't really do that can I.

I grab my phone before o had to hand it in and send her a message.

To princess 🧖🏾‍♀️
Happy birthday baby girl, I wish I could be here with you to celebrate with you but unfortunately I'm not able to. I'm sorry I couldn't have go you more than what I have given you but it was the best I could do considering the distance. I love you have a good birthday ❤️

I send the message and I tear up and Kev comes and sits next to me "hey what's happened" he asks "it's her birthday" I say wiling my eyes "oh" Is all he says what can he say nothing really.

I put my phone in my safe on charge and go get some work done. "Malcom I don't seem to have your phone" my boss comes in saying "oh I'm sorry it's in my safe" I say and he nods. He leaves the room as I get on with the work I have been set.

"Malcom I have some news" my boss comes in says and I look at him "since I know that's it's your wife's birthday, there with me a taxi outside in 30 minutes it will take you home and there Will be one tomorrow back her at 9 at night. Go and spend some time with her." He says and my face instantly lights up did he really just say what I think he did "omg thank you" I say "no problem your ahead any way" he says and he lets me go and pack a few thing.

"Wow what's going on" Kev comes in asking "I'm going home for the night so that I can see my girl" i say and he hugs me "that's great news" he says and I nod. I get told my taxis outside and I ask him to stop off out side the mall near my house and he agrees.

I go and buy her so much, I brought her loads of presents and the taxi driver smiles at me "she must mean a lot to you" he says "she does" I say and he smiles. It was only 9 in the morning when I arrived home and I got all the bags out the car and quietly enters the house and places all her presents on the couch.

The place was tidy, which was strange, I walk up the stairs and look at my beautiful wife sleeping and I well up, seeing her makes me miss her even more.

I walk over to the side of the bed and place a kiss to her forehead and she groans and opens her eyes "happy birthday princess" I say and she blinks twinge and looks at me before wrapping her arms tightly around me "omg baby" she says with tears running down her face. I pull her on to my lap and hold her tight to me and she hugs me "why are you here" she asks "he let me come and see you I get the rest of the day and tomorrow till 9'at night with you" I tell her and she nods.

"This is the best birthday present ever" she says with a massive smile on her face. "Well there's more for you done stairs" I say and she smiles. "I love you so so much" she screeches against me. "I love you 2 now lets get started with your birthday because I wanna spend every last minute with you" I say and she nods.

Ariana POV
I can't believe that he's here with me or the fact his boss let him have the day with me. This was the best birthday present and when I got downstairs the whole couch was full of presents "OMG baby you didn't have to" I scream. "I did your my everything Ariana and I'm never with you now open them" he says and I nod.

I open them all and I was amazed I really did have and amazing husband he just doesn't think that.

The door rings and I get up and go and answer it and it was my Mum and Frankie "happy birthday sweetie" she says coming in "omg am I actually seeing him" my mum asks and I nod and she runs and gives him a hug. Frankie hugs me and hands me 4 bags full of presents.

"How come your home" Frankie asks "I've been doing a lot of overtime and I am 2 weeks ahead of everyone so he let me come home for her birthday" he says and I smile. "Well stop doing overtime Ariana's grumpy when you don't call" My mum says "I'm joking" she says after that and we all laugh.

I sit on Malcom's lap the whole time, I've missed him so much I just wanted to be with him.

Malcom took me out to a nice restaurant and it was amazing once we had eaten. He took me home and watched a movie before making our way up to bed and him showing me how much he loves me. I really did have the best birthday ever just I knew he had to leave tomorrow and I really didn't want him to.

Gone Too Long (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ