Chapter 13

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(n.) the scent of rain on dry earth

The flight back to Dragon's edge was quite uneventful and you figured that everyone would go back to their huts, but instead they all went to the clubhouse, including yourself. You were all sitting around the fireplace and doing their your activities, Fishlegs had his head buried in the Dragon book while Astrid was sharpening her axe, the twins were bickering as usual and at the end Snotlout was annoying Hiccup who was tinkering with his Dragon blade.

You made your way next to Hiccup and sat next to him while listening to his and Snotlout's conversation, but because they weren't aware of that it felt more like eavesdropping.

"Listen Hiccup, I know you have a gambling problem so I'm the guy that can help you!"

"Snotlout, for the last time, what in Thor's name are you talking about?"

A giggle escaped your lips and you quickly put your hands on your mouth, though that didn't matter because Hiccup and Snotlout were now looking at you with their eyebrows risen which only made things funnier.

"I mean can you imagine that, Hiccup a gambler." At the end you burst into laughter and soon after Hiccup laughed as well, the only person standing out was Snotlout who seemed unfazed and still continued his little talk with Hiccup. You continued to sketch around in your notebook but your mind went to different places, after a moment of not being able to focus you sighed and looked around the others.

They all looked so calm it made you wonder how they aren't tired yet. These past days things have been stressful and you were so grateful that you had friends like these, if they hadn't helped you Crystal still would've been stuck in that awful place. 

"Guys I can't thank you enough for helping me save Crystal, honestly I'm so thankful." you voiced out your thoughts and you were instantly met with everyone's warm smiles, they insisted it was not a problem but you still felt kind of guilty that you brought everyone in that mess. The next half of hour passed by everyone talking to each other and at the moment the theme was about Ryker.

"The way you locked him in the cage was priceless!" Astrid exclaimed with a slight laughter at the end, your lips stretched into a smile when your remembered that moment. It was a genius plan that was true and you were still amazed at how you even thought about it so quickly because you weren't that type of person that would think of plans right on spot, that was Hiccup's job and you praised him for that.

"Yeah, I'm glad its over though." You said and glanced at the pencil in front of you, it had to be sharpened so you excused yourself and went to get a knife from your hut. But when you came back you were met with the twins tossing around your notebook, they were careless of course and you felt relieved you didn't have your old notebook that was filled with random papers aside because if you did they would be flying around now. 

"Hey! Hey! Give it back you guys!" You screamed and dashed over to get the notebook from Ruffnut's hands. She frowned and held it out, just as you were about to grab it, Ruffnut's frown turn into a lopsided smirk and she threw your notebook to Tuffnut. You growled at Ruff and went back to Tuffnut.

"Tuff! Over here!" You heard Snotlout yell from behind and now you were chasing after him. The next minute passed in you running around in circles with no success of getting your notebook back. Astrid and Fishlegs were quietly observing the situation, but from time to time you heard them share some laughter. At the moment you were chasing after Tuffnut who was going straight to the angle of the room, your lips curved into a smile, thinking that you had him cornered but you were so wrong.

"Hiccup! Catch!" Tuffnut exclaimed and threw your notebook to Hiccup who struggled to catch it but didn't let it fall. You turned your heels and walked to his direction, you let out a small unnoticeable sigh thinking that the running was over, you closed the distance and looked into his eyes, a glimmer of mischief flashed in them and what happened next left everyone stunned. 

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