Chapyer 36: Camp Wars Part 2 (Edited)

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Ally came backstage and saw North pacing back and forth. “Are you okay?”

“He’s a cheater Ally!”

“Who?” wondered Ally, with a confused look.

“Pitch, that’s who!” exclaimed North, “He payed everyone to vote for camp star.”

Ally’s eyes widen, “My God! What are we gonna do?”

“There’s nothing we can do.”

“Elsa and everyone are going to be upset!”


They both turned around and saw The Big Four.

(A/N: I changed their band name to The Big Four, just so you know.)

“Why would Elsa be upset?” asked Jack, narrowing his eyes at them.

“Um…” North found it hard to tell them.

“We can’t win this because Pitch payed everyone to vote for camp star,” said Ally with a sad expression.

The boys’ eyes widen, “What?!”

“Why would he do that?” asked Hiccup.

“Because you three have millions of fans so he payed everyone, maybe every phone users in the country, if that was possible,” said North.

“That cheating son of a b-“

“Don’t say it while you’re in front of me,” scold Ally.

“Sorry,” mumble Flynn.

“So even if we do our best they’re not gonna vote?” asked Kristoff.

North shook his head, sadly. “It’s over.”

“No!” said Jack. “I’m not gonna let him do this to us. We the Big Four have millions of fans and I don’t think they’re going to turn their backs on us.” The three boys nodded their heads, agreeing with Jack. Jack took out his cell phone and went on Tweeter.

“So what are you boys planning to do?” asked Ally.

“Something we always do.”

“And we’re back! Now if you like camp star get ready to be blown away by camp rock. Now camp rock was founded by rock icon and legendary lead guitarist, Nicolas St. North.”

North stood up from his seat and waved at everyone as they clapped for him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Camp Rock,” Pearl announced them and went down the stage.

Peter played the piano. After that, Fred played his guitar. Everyone clapped, following him.

Jack came from the side and sang

🎸They said that life is a two-way street
When you’re not sure, you gotta trust your feet to know the right way

Elsa came from the other side and sang

🎶You can keep on moving with your head down…
🎶…or you can stop and take a look around.
(🎸Take a look around)
🎶And that’s the choice I’ve made
(🎸I’ve made…yeah)

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now