Chapter 34: New Plan (Edited)

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"Elsa," gushed Anna in a sing-song voice. She sat on the bed and moved closer to Elsa who was sleeping. She whispered (more like yelled), "Elsa!!"

Elsa's eyes snapped open. "What?! Anna?" She sat up and looked at her, she was still feeling sleepy. "What's going on? It's still..." She looked at the clock that was on the wall and gasped, "10 in the morning?"

The curtains opened and Elsa covered her eyes.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead," said Punzel, smirking.

Elsa groaned. "Oh I'll rise...but I refuse to shine."

Merida sat down next to Anna on the bed and looked at Elsa, shaking her head. "Girl, you really are a deep sleeper."

"Don't judge me," sighed Elsa while rubbing her eyelids.

"Since when do we ever?" wondered Punzel.

"What do you girls want?" Elsa's eyes widen. "Is it rehearsal time? Sorry I didn't-"Merida interrupted her.

"Don't bother. We've been working hard this past days so North decided to give us a day off."

"Really?" asked Elsa. "So we don't have to do anything today?" The three girls nodded while grinning. "Oh good," smiled Elsa. She then made an angry face. "Then why'd you all wake me up?!!"

The girls nearly jumped because of her sudden outburst.

Anna cleared her throat. "Well...we have a good reason."

Elsa raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Someone's been waiting outside," blurted Punzel.

"He's been waiting for a long time," said Merida. "I think you should go and see him."

Elsa furrowed her eyebrows. "Who is he?"

"Why don't you go see him for yourself," suggested Anna as she and the others grin.

Elsa frowned. She got up from her bed and went out. Before she could open the front door, she heard a voice.

You got that smile
You got it all
I know I'm right
You think I'm dead wrong

Elsa's breath caught her throat when she realized who that was. His voice sounded like it came from the back door. She went over and her hand rested on the doorknob.

You got that face
You got that laugh
I know you're shy and girl I like that

Elsa took a breath and opened the door. Jack was sitting on a chair, playing his guitar while singing.

Can't find a mirror to see what I see in you
And I will follow you until you see it too
I know I can't help but love everything you do
But you can't see that, girl I like that

Jack stopped playing and smiled at Elsa, making her heart flutter. "It's about time."

Elsa's eyes travelled down to the banquet of roses lying down on a blue cloth with snowflakes patterns. "What are you doing?"

"I already had your permission to court you," said Jack, smirking. "So that's what I'm doing."

Elsa just stared at him, speechless. She thought that he forgot. "I-I huh..."

Jack picked up the roses and walked towards her. Elsa wanted to take a step back but her legs seemed to disobey her. Jack handed her the roses. Elsa looked down at the beautiful roses he had just given her. She wondered where he had gotten them. She looked up and saw that he was looking a bit nervous.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora