Chapter 7: The Masquerade ball: Part 1 (Edited)

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Two weeks had passed and the new councillors have been doing very well, so North decided to throw a party celebrations before the opening jam.

Elsa and Anna went into North's office where the others were waiting.

"Huh glad you could make it," smiled North. Then he said to all of them, "You all knew my idea of the party, right? Well I think I like to call it a masquerade ball."

"A masquerade ball?" asked Anna. "Are we going to wear masks?"

"Yes," answered North. "So, we got a lot of work to do today, all the campers are going to help too. I'm so excited, this is going to be a good night."

After North dismissed all of them, they went their separate ways.

"Oh my God I can't believe this, we're actually having a real masquerade ball," said Anna excitedly.

"Yeah," agreed Punzel. "We've just been in this camp for two weeks and yet we're already having a ball."

"I don't even know what I'm gonna wear," said Anna.

"I think you better figure that out later," said Elsa. "Let's just do what North told us to do, so come on."

During the day, everyone, well almost everyone was busy straightening out the place where they're going to have their ball. They were putting many decorations. Elsa and Merida went out to get more balloons.

Anna and Mulan were walking in the lunch room. Mulan had just came to camp rock from China.

"Anna, dad's gonna love the new hair drier I got him," said Mulan. "But I think is gonna take him an hour to dry his back hair."

"Your dad dries his back hair?" asked Anna.

"My mornings aren't pretty," said Mulan. "Oh they even gave a free comb; I'm planning on giving it to little brother."

"Oh look, there's Kristoff and-is that Mushu?" said Anna. Kristoff was sitting with a guy with black hair and brown eyes almost reaching the colour red.

"Ah Mushu!" said Mulan, as she ran to where Mushu and Kristoff were sitting. She stood next to Mushu and looked at Kristoff's plate. An hamburger was on Kristoff's plate. "Ah Kristoff, what's this?"

"Huh lunch," said Kristoff looking down at his plate, then looked up at Mulan.

"Hi! I'm Mulan," Mulan introduced herself to Mushu. (A/N: In this story they don't know each other.)

Mushu was about to say something but Anna came in the middle of Mushu and Kristoff, and she said, "I'm Anna but she bust in early!"

"Again?" asked Kristoff to Anna.

"Tell me about it," said Anna as she kept glaring at Mushu.

"So Mushu, who are you taking to the ball tonight?" asked Mulan.

"Well I don't know, yet," said Mushu. "What about you?"

"Oh I got my eye on something," said Mulan blushing.

"Oh please, I think I'm going to skip that all drama act," said Anna rolling her eyes.

Then Alice came, "Hey Mulan, Anna, oh and hi Kristoff." When she came in Kristoff was hiding his face, he doesn't want Alice to see him because Flynn told him she has a crush on him, he would like to go out with her but there was just one problem.

"Hi Alice," said Anna smiling.

"Um Kristoff, I was wondering if you would like to be my date for the ball tonight?" Alice asked out of breath.

"Uh sorry Alice I can't, I'll be missing all the dancing because I'm working on this new song, yea is called um," Kristoff looked at a notice at the door that was leading to the restroom. "Is called 'the restroom's this way,' so maybe next time." Anna looked to the restroom's sign and shook her head.

"Oh ok," Alice said disappointed and went away.

Anna went in front of Kristoff and glared at him, "What?" asked Kristoff innocently.

"'The restrooms this way' what's next the 'place trays here,'" said Anna as she pointed to where some trays were left, and on the wall they wrote 'place trays here.'

"Look Anna, I would love to go to the ball with her but, did you see the size of her feet?" asked Kristoff.

"Please, one little thing and your afraid to go with her?" asked Mulan.

"I'm not afraid," said Kristoff.

"Yeah Mulan's right," said Mushu, "I think your being a little hard on her and plus, I think she was kind of cute."

When he said 'cute' Mulan turned around quickly, "Cute, you want cute, did you see the size of her feet?"

Mushu snickered, "Your funny, do you want to go to the ball with me?"

"Of course," said Mulan smiling.

"So I'll see you there?" asked Mushu.

"Yeah," said Mulan, she walked to where Kristoff and Anna were standing. "See Kristoff, I'm going to the ball with someone so nice and you could have been too if you weren't so judge mental."

"She's right Kristoff, Mulan's just a bigger person," said Anna. Kristoff was smiling; he was trying not to laugh, because they both didn't know what they were missing. Anna and Mulan turned around expecting to see a tall guy, but they saw a short guy, Mushu was just the height of Mulan's shoulder.

"Bye guys," said Mushu as he walked away.

Kristoff chuckled and Anna looked back at Mulan, "Sweet niblets," said Mulan, she couldn't believe that Mushu was that short. "I got a date with a sweet niblet."

"Oh, oh," said Kristoff smiling.

"Don't say it," said Mulan angrily, she went and sat down. Anna and Kristoff followed her.

"Come on Mulan don't feel bad, at least you have a date," said Anna.

"Yeah, I mean it's still the same, some girls even have their problems," said Kristoff. "Like that one," he pointed to a girl who has a short nose. "And that one," he pointed to a girl with big ears.

A tall girl with black hair walked pass them, Kristoff stopped and looked at her and said, "Oh yea, hey baby, how you doing?"

The girl turned around and said, "Uh, back off hamlet hair," she walked away.

Kristoff turned back at Mulan and Anna, "Personality and I respect that."

Mulan got up and said, "You know what, forget it. Tonight I'm going to have a lovely time with that shorty guy Mushu." She went away, leaving Kristoff and Anna.

A/N: This part was inspired by Hannah Montana.

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