Chapter 20: Afraid of insects (Edited)

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Two days had passed and Elsa and Jack are still figuring out what song to write. Elsa has gotten used to Jack. She doesn't ignore him but she still doesn't consider him as a friend, yet. Well that's just what Jack thinks.

Jack's POV:

I walked to the studio room because Elsa and I are going to work on some songs. It was already 10:24 but she still isn't here, so I guess by waiting I should go out. I went out at the back door and walked to the lake. The studio was just near the lake. There was a palm tree just a few meters away from the lake. I went and leaned next to the tree and stared at the lake. I let out a sigh, if only I could just swim.

Just then a bee came buzzing to my face, "HUH!" I screamed. I hate bees and even any other insects. I waved my hand around trying to shoo the bee away but it still came buzzing to me. I grabbed a stone and threw it to it, but of course it didn't hit it because the bee is too small. Instead it hit the palm tree. I was so blind I didn't realize that there was a bee nest on that tree. The bees came rushing out and they were coming to me.

Elsa's POV:

I entered the music studio. Jack had told me that he was going to be here but still, he wasn't here.

"Jack!" I called as I walked in.

Where was he? I know I wasn't here on time but couldn't he just wait for a little while.

I sat down and waited. "HUH!" I heard a scream, it almost sounded like Jack. I went and looked out at the window. Jack was running like a maniac and the bees were chasing him. I ran out and saw Jack rolling on the ground trying to get the bees off of him. I hold my breath trying to contain my laughter. Oh my Gosh! He looked hilarious, I wish I have a camera right now.

"Don't just stand there!" yelled Jack. "Do something!"

"Why? This is so funny," I said as I let out a giggle.

"Elsa!" Jack scold at me. I chuckled. I looked to the side and saw an empty bucket. I smirked and grabbed it. I went to the lake and filled the bucket with water. Jack had stood up already and was jumping up and down. I went to him and splash the water on him, half of the water was still in the bucket so I put it down in front of him.

"Huh! What the heck, Elsa!" Jack screamed.

"What? You wanted the bees gone and now they're gone," I said. Jack's clothes were soaking wet, he was frowning. I couldn't hold in anymore so I laughed.

"Oh you think that's funny, huh?" Jack grabbed the bucket and splashed the water on me, what's worse is that my hair got wet.

"Ohh my hair!" I glared at Jack who was rolling on the ground laughing.

"Well that's fair, ha ha ha." Jack got up and wiped his tear away from all that laughing.

I sighed, "You know what? I don't wanna do this anymore."

Jack gave me a confused look, "Do what?"

"All this music thing," I said. "Can you just go tell North that we don't want to do this."

"No can do darling," said Jack. "I don't give up on making new songs that easily, you're a songwriter you shouldn't." He was right, I shouldn't but I write songs when I'm inspired by something. Now I'm not really inspired by anything.

Jack sighed. "You know what, meet me here at 1:00."

Before I could ask him why, he already left. I sighed and walked away.
Looks like I should just meet him back here.

I entered my camp house and went in. Anna was drinking juice and reading a magazine when I walked in. She looked at me baffled. "What happened to you?

"Long story," I said and went upstairs and to the bathroom.

Third person's POV:

Elsa stepped out of the shower and went to her bedroom. She wore a white top and black shorts.

She lay on her bed, but the image of Jack running away from the bees kept playing on her head, she let out a laugh. She sighed and closed her eyes, before she knew it, she was already asleep.

"Elsa? Elsa!" Elsa woke up and looked at Anna. Anna let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were dead."

Elsa got up and rubbed her eyes. "What?"

"You've been sleeping for almost three hours," said Anna.
"T-three?" asked Elsa. "What time is it?"

"I think 1:02," said Anna giving Elsa a confused look.

Elsa's eyes widen. "What? Is something wrong?" questioned Anna.

"Oh no! I'm already late," exclaimed Elsa as she got up and ran out of the room.

"Wait! LATE FOR WHAT?!" Anna shouted, really confused as to why her sister was in a hurry.

Elsa hurried down the steps and went out through the door. She put on her white sneakers and ran to the lake.

She didn't even brush her hair so her hair was flying wildly as she was running.
She went passed Punzel and Merida, they both we're calling out to her but she ignored them and kept on running.
Oh boy, Jack would be really mad at her for being late, again.

A/N: Wow Elsa was really in a hurry.
What do you think? Will Jack be mad at her? Why did he want to see her?

Thank you for reading😘
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