Chapter 9: Lost Necklace (Edited)

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Jack came back to his small camp house and saw Hiccup, Flynn and Kristoff waiting for him.

"Where in the world were you?!" asked Flynn, standing up
"We were worried sick."

"Sorry guys, I was looking for someone," said Jack as he closed the door.

"Who?" asked Kristoff.

"Guys, I just had the most amazing night of my life, you want to know why? I was dancing with the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on," said Jack.

"How do you know she was beautiful when she was wearing a mask?" questioned Hiccup, while putting an ice bag on his cheek where the guy had punched him.

"Well I just know. And it's not just beautiful, she has the most amazing voice, and her dancing skills are amazing," said Jack.

"Wait you both actually danced? But we haven't saw you in the ball room," said Flynn.

"That's because we weren't in the ball room. We were dancing outside in the moonlight singing," said Jack as he pulled Kristoff to him and danced, imaging that Kristoff was the girl he was dancing with.

"OK, okay, let go!" said Kristoff shoving Jack off of him.

"So what's her name?" asked Hiccup.

"I don't know," said Jack bowing his head. "My mom called so I had to go talked to her, but when I came back she was nowhere. But I found this." He held out the necklace, the boys look closely at it.

"It has an E on it," said Flynn.

"Maybe the girl's name start with letter E," said Kristoff.

"Yeah, so when I go to camp rock, I'm going to find her," said Jack.

"So what's gonna happen when you find her?" asked Hiccup. "Are you going to date her?"

"What? Don't be ridiculous, I'm just going to find her to get to know her, nothing else," lied Jack.

"Whatever you say, I'm tired I'm going to bed," said Hiccup as he went out. Flynn and Kristoff followed him.

Jack went to bed, but he couldn't sleep. His thoughts were on her. He picked up the necklace and looked at it. His mind was repeating three words, 'Who are you?' He got up, took his coat and went out to the campsite; it was late so everyone was asleep. He went to the studio room; he looked at all the instruments.
At the corner he saw a guitar; he went and picked it up. He sat down on a chair and started playing.

Elsa and Anna were brushing their teeth. After brushing there teeth they both went into their bedroom, they both share the same bedroom. Both of them went to their beds and fixed their sheets.

Anna looked up at Elsa, she looked down at Elsa's neck and she said, "Elsa," Elsa looked up, "Where's your necklace?"

Elsa touched her neck and saw that her necklace wasn't there.

"Oh no," she said as she started searching for her necklace.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've lost it," said Anna as she sat down on her bed.

"Anna, you stay here I'll go look for it," said Elsa as she grabbed her coat.

"What? No way. It's midnight, go to sleep," said Anna.

"Don't worry, it won't take long," said Elsa as she went out.

Elsa went to where the pond is, she checked the grass, the ground, she almost jumped into the pond to looked for the necklace but decided to check it out tomorrow. Elsa went back but stopped when she heard a guitar playing. She went to the studio room.

The studio room? how could someone be in the studio room in the middle of the night, she thought. The door was locked, she tried to looked through the window but she couldn't see anyone so she did the only thing, she sat down and listened to the music.

Jack played the guitar very well, after a moment he sings...

🎸It's become so hard for me to be survey, like your bringing back the real me don't judge me in your eyes, it's the way you make me feel like I'm finding something real. The birds are hard to find but I'm gonna get it right this time. So just come and take my hand and let me lift you up. Take away my fear and make me strong enough, so when I dance with you its how I speak the truth, it's just classic when we met and now you made me knew...

Jack heard a noise at the door, he got up and open the door, but no one was there, he switch of the lights and went back.

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