"I'm also happy that you are back to your old self bunny" says Vittorio walking over to the bed, lifting Stevie from my body...... "Maybe you should share the food" he suggested to Stevie; Stevie step away from him and went for the food with Bryan helping him.

I looked back at Santier and he was looking at me with a strange expression on his face, but it was gone in a flash and I wonder what it was about, most of the time I wonder what is going on in his head, I just don't understand why he want me, when he can find more beautiful boys out there.

And if he finds out how damage and dirty I am he will not want me anymore, if my body did not put him off, if I say anything about my past I'm sure he will drop me as fast as he can, that is why I will not get hang up on him, because sooner or later he will want to know and I really don't want to talk about it..........

What happen to me was years ago so I have to let it go, even if it will haunt me for the rest of my life,  but I can't let that bastard control the rest of my life, I really loved him at one point, but the moment he touch that love started dying and by the time I left all that was left of my feeling for him was hate and disappointment, but I will beat this and move on with my life.

With that in mind I tried to interact with everyone, talking, laughing and eating Stevie's excelent food, my friend sure can cook, the food is so delicious that I am eating everything because I had not eaten properly in the past days.

I did not look at Santier but I was aware of his every move, and he made sure to touch me every few seconds to keep me on edge, the evening fled away so quickly, and by the time the others said their good byes and left it was about 8:30 pm and I was pretty tired, because I had not sleep much either in those days.

Thankfully my friends had pack up all my clothes and all the gifts for me to take home, before they left.

Santier pull out his laptop and sat back in the chair next to my bead and start working, and I became a little entertain with a "Criminal Minds" episode, I watch two episode but then I became sleepy, as I look over at the right side of my bed......

Santier was still on his laptop doing some work, with concentration written all over his face, he looks so sexy and I really wanted to touch him, but I hold back, also...........

I was trying to stay awake but my eyes were slowly drooping, he gets up, and leans over and kiss me softly on my lips ......

"Sleep now baby, I will be right here if you need anything ok", he whisper softly in my ear.

"Yes Master" I whisper back yawning, and the last thing I heard before I let the sand man take me away to the land of dreams, was a sharp intake of breath.

I was gently shaken awake..... "Get up baby, we are leaving soon" I heard a voice say huskily, I open my eyes and catch my breath as I look into the most beautiful gray eyes, his eyes, I don't know why they always make me react but my body was already heating up wanting him.

"Morning" I said lowly looking away, trying to think about other things beside the way his eyes looked at me, and how his body felt pressing down on mine deliciously as it did yesterday.

"Good morning baby........ He said kissing me on the lips..... "I need you to go and take your shower, get dress, I will be back in 15 minutes to take you home, before I go to work" he finish, while his mouth continue to trail until it reach my neck, where he bites then suck the skin sharply, I shudder and gasp.

"You smell delicious as always baby" then.........

He leans up abruptly and left the room, I guess that was cue to go shower and get ready.

I look in the mirror as I got inside the bathroom, good gosh, that man was indeed a beast, I have to admit that he is a sexy beast, but a beast is still a beast, my neck is purple all around from all the biting and sucking he did yesterday, I'm not even going to look further down because I know what I will find, I know sex with him is going to leave my in bed for days, because if this is the entree, I wonder what the main dish will be like.

Sigh........ Lets just get this over with so I can go home, and see my baby Kuro.

I took a warm shower, came out dress and was pulling on my shoes as he walks in..... "Are you ready" he ask, I nodded.... "Talk to me when I ask you question Sylver" he commanded..... "Yes Sir I am ready" I answer..... "Good boy" the said with a smile on his face, reaching over and ruffling my hair.... "Now lets go baby" he finished grabbing all my things walking out.

As we walk down the halls I saw some of the nurses, that were really good to me during my stay, and I thank them before we head out to the waiting car.

As I got outside a shiver ran down my back, I turn looking all around because I felt as I was being watch.

Stop being silly Sylver I chided myself as I got into the car with Santier sliding in after me.... "Good morning Mr. Alessi and Mr. Reid" said the driver, glancing over his shoulder smiling at us I immediately smile back.

"Good morning Simmons"; "Good morning Mr." Santier and I answer at the same time.

"Are we heading home Sir" Simmons ask

"Yes" answers Santier

I really should have payed more attention to the conversation, but I started to get sleepy again so I close my eyes and was lulled by his sexy husky voice.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now